The “Web3 in Travel” Summit

The first travel summit dedicated to the transition to Web3.

Luca De Giglio (Tripluca)
3 min readJul 30, 2022


🔥 Buy the Ticket Here! 🚀

🔥The 2024 edition will be in Italy! Check-it out here.

Web3 has started its slow but inexorable transformation of entire industries.

Travel will be next, or maybe the next after the next, or maybe the next after the next after the next, who knows.
But it will come.

We all need to get ready.

But what is Web3? It’s the web with ownership.

Web3 already permeated the substrate upon which some industries exist and changed it.
Here’s an image: you have a house, some water comes under it and makes the terrain softer.
Next, two things happen: the house tilts a bit to the side, and at the same time it becomes less exposed to earthquakes.

You don’t like the former, and appreciate the latter.
Still, it does not really matter what you think or like, as you need to adapt anyway.

Web3 is not about travel, it changes the whole Web itself.
It upgrades it, by adding functionalities it did not have before.

Mostly “ownership”.

I won’t go again into this, as it’s one of those easy-to-understand-but-impossible-to-internalize concepts.

It’s like in 1985: “a new thing called the interwebs will change the way we communicate” and getting a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Still, this concept is at the base of everything we do and write here.
I started a podcast to help you make sense of it.

🔥 Buy the Ticket Here! 🚀

Why Now?

Something started to move in travel (pun intended).
In 2022, we have seen some companies and projects actually do something “web3 native” and at least a bit relevant (not too much, let’s not get ahead of ourselves).
Smart Contracts were written (which is not new) and used (which is new).
Money has been actually transferred through them, bookings were made.

NFTs went mainstream and serious experimentation with several use cases has been going on for a while now.

In short, the theory is giving in, slowly, to practice.

Still mostly experimental, but concrete.

We can have a conference now.

The Conference

Builders of the industry will show us what they did and teach us how to do it.
You can join us and learn.
If you are already in crypto, you’ll get the latest updates and get to meet some of the most interesting people in the industry.
If you know nothing about it, this is the perfect introduction.

Next Steps

See you in Porto on the 14th of September!

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The Conference: Website, Ticket, Sponsorship

The Token: Dashboard | Check price on Coingecko
Buy on: Uniswap, Honeyswap

Talk to us on: Discord | Telegram | Twitter | YouTube

Learn: 🎙 Podcast: Web3 in Travel

