Top Stories published by Understanding computer science in December of 2013

Would you like tea or coffee?

Or both?

This is an ongoing series. Please check out the collection for the rest of the articles.

Like many other languages, English is replete with grammatical ambiguities. Fortunately, we humans have a wonderfully…

Information currency

Computing with coins, gems, and crowns

If you recall from last post, the victorious hero received a large treasure chest. In it are gems, jewels, and coins which the hero must now count and organize. Don’t worry — this won’t be a lecture on…

Like training an apprentice

Instructing a computer automatically

Our hero from last time has grown quite a bit since we last saw them. Retired from the hero business, they have taken up a position at the eminent Hero Academy training neophytes to wield…

A bit more on division

Demystifying division and modulo

After reviewing the last post and discussing it with some friends, I realize that I need to take it a bit more slowly and make sure I cover all the ground. I’ve made a few minor edits to the post, including a…

Understanding computer science
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