UNDERSTATE is a magazine of independent thinkers and alternative creators.
Note from the editor


Go to the profile of Frank the man
Frank the man
Human mess in search of enlightment, living off second-hand advices and refrigerated dreams. Daily average man. Feel free to call me Frank.
Go to the profile of Nyse Vicente
Nyse Vicente
Lifelong Language Learner. Avid Traveller and Dog Hiker. Come and say hi in whatever language you feel like :)
Go to the profile of James Ssekamatte
James Ssekamatte
Concerning non-fiction.
Go to the profile of saigon garçon
saigon garçon
all romance & failure // instagram: @pepperoniplayboy
Go to the profile of Adebayo Adeniran
Adebayo Adeniran
A lifelong bibliophile, who seeks to unleash his energy on as many subjects as possible
Go to the profile of Arielle
Top Writer in short stories & 3x Top Writer in creativity short stories. The stories are based on my memoir, world travels, neighbor (hood), work, fiction.
Go to the profile of kepochi
I talk the way I write, I write the way I talk, I talk the way I walk, I walk the way I talk
Go to the profile of Balpolam Idi
Balpolam Idi
Live, Love, Give. But most importantly, Dream. Learner. Teacher. Wanderer.
Go to the profile of Andrew Gelwicks
Andrew Gelwicks
Andrew Gelwicks is a celebrity stylist, writer, and speaker. His first book, The Queer Advantage, was published in October 2020 by Hachette. He lives in NYC.
Go to the profile of Kapil Gadhire
Kapil Gadhire
Everything written in an emotional high state.
Go to the profile of Embracing Discomfort.
Go to the profile of Ephrom Josine
Ephrom Josine
Political Commentator; Follow My Twitter: @EphromJosine1
Go to the profile of Andrew Kuo
Andrew Kuo
Senior data scientist. Occasional writer.
Go to the profile of Reagan
I like to write. INSTAGRAM: @reaganvioletg :)
Go to the profile of You-yeon Lee
You-yeon Lee
Narrating days through drawing. All about feelings, cultures, beautiful anything. Self-published a book. Based in Seoul. instagram.com/youyonce
Go to the profile of Emmarie Hodge
Emmarie Hodge
I write interactive tarot readings here on Medium 🔮 Check out me out elsewhere on the web: https://emmariehodge.com/social-media/
Go to the profile of Hyun Kim 김현
Hyun Kim 김현
Writer/Editor: Vibe, MTV, Tidal. Marketing/Advertising: Nike, Samsung, The Madbury Club. Former #1 Google image search for bald Asian. Seoul->Ithaca->NYC->VLC
Go to the profile of Tommy Gough
Tommy Gough
Linguist with an MSc in Chinese Studies. I live in North London, where I am writing a fantasy series and working as a Research Analyst.
Go to the profile of Anthony Eichberger
Anthony Eichberger
Gay. Millennial. Pagan/Polytheist. Disabled. Rural-Born. Politically-Independent. Fashion-Challenged. Rational Egoist. Survivor. #AgriWarrior (Deal With It!)