Top Stories published by untwist in December of 2019

How To: Meeting

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This article covers:

  1. Invitations
  2. Notes, taking and finding
  3. Active Members
  4. Reminders

How To: Projects

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This article covers

  1. what is a project in untwist
  2. how do you create one
  3. what are additional settings

How To: Billing

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This article covers:

  1. Pricing
  2. Invoicing
  3. Balances and Transactions

1 — untwist costs 1 EUR Net per month and project. Every user has one free project! And we…

How To: Groups

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This article covers:

  1. What is a group

1 — Groups in untwist give you a way to allow other users to create projects that are paid by you. 
This is usually done if you want to allow employees to create projects…

how to untwist your meeting culture into peak performance
More information