saddarSanam — verse 30

Prasad Chitta
UpadESa sAram
Published in
1 min readJan 21, 2016

gaveshaNAt prApya hRdantaram tat
patedahntA paribhugna SIrshA
atha aham anyat sphurati prakRshTaM
nAhamkRtiH tat param eva pUrNam

gaining entry into heart by ardent seeking
falls ego having its head thoroughly burnt
there reveals distinguished transcendental self
without ego limitation, supreme fulfilled whole

By the means of gavEshaNa i.e, ardent seeking and desire to reach source, one gains entry deep into one’s own heart, the seat of consciousness. There two simultaneous events happen: 1. ego having completely burnt its head of pride, falls. 2. The distinct supreme true self (prakRshTam, param aham) without any limitations of ego, sphurati shines forth which is pUrNam i.e., filling without distinction of inside or outside.

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