saddarSanam — verse 36

Prasad Chitta
UpadESa sAram
Published in
1 min readFeb 2, 2016

sO’ham vicArO vapurAtmabhAvE
sAhAyyakArI paramArgaNasya
svAtmaika siddhau sa punarnirathaO
yathA naratva pramitirnrasya

idea of “I am THAT” is helpful as long as one
thinks the body as self and on the path of realization
having attained oneness of self, it is useless just like
thinking “I am man” repeatedly by a man

saH aham - I am THAT eternal self; and not this limited body-mind combination. Such idea and repeatedly remembering it is helpful for a spiritual aspirant as long as the misconception of body as self persists.

Having identified self as universal, such ideas are meaningless just like a man repeatedly thinking “I am a man” “I am a man”

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