saddarSanam — verse 37

Prasad Chitta
UpadESa sAram
Published in
1 min readFeb 5, 2016

dvaitam vicArE paramArtha bOdhE
tvadvaitamityEsha na sAdhuvAdaH
gavEshaNAtprAgdaSamE vinashTE
paScAcca labdhE daSamatvamEkam

“duality during the quest; in realization
only non-duality” such theories are NOT right
during search of lost tenth man, was tenth lost
and after finding the tenth alone tenth is gained?

Ten friends crossed a stream by swimming across it. After reaching the other shore each of them want to make sure everyone reached the other side safely. Each counted remaining nine (excluding self) and all thought that the tenth man was lost in the river. Looking at the grieving friends, a wise man made them stand in a line and counted all of them to reach the count of 10. All the ten friends went away happily. This is the narration of lost 10th man.

Theories like duality during saadhana and unity of self only after realization are not right just like the tenth was not lost while the search nor gained after realizing that there was no one was missing!

So, self is always non-dual. No duality of self at any time either before or after realization.

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