saddarSanam — verse 40

Prasad Chitta
UpadESa sAram
Published in
1 min readFeb 9, 2016

rUpiNyarUpiNyubhayAtmikA ca
muktiH trirUpEti vidO vadanti
idam trayam yA vivinaktyahandhIH
tasyAH praNASaH paramArtha muktiH

with form, without form, both with and without form
liberation is of three types; scholars say —
these three types are differentiated by which ego-mind
loss of that (ego) is supreme liberation!

Some scholars say after liberation forms remain, some others say “No - forms are lost with liberation. Yet others hold that sometimes they remain and sometimes they are lost. All this differential examination is performed by the aham-dhI i.e, ego-mind. Complete loss of ego-mind is supreme liberation — says bhagavAn ramaNa.

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