Archive of stories published by U’s Motion Translator

你應該使用動態模糊(Motion Blur)嗎?

原文出處 Should You Use Motion Blur in After Effects?,授權翻譯自 School of Motion。(U:為了翻譯順暢,內文有稍作修改,但意思大致上是相同的噢!)

$7 vs $1000 的動態設計,有差嗎 ?-實驗篇

原文出處 $7 vs $1000 Motion Design: Is There a Difference?,授權翻譯自 School of Motion。 (U:為了翻譯順暢,內文有稍作修改,但意思大致上是相同的噢!)


原文出處 7 Common Mistakes in Animating Walk Cycles,授權翻譯自 Motion Design School。 (U:為了翻譯順暢,內文有稍作修改,但意思大致上是相同的噢!)

動態設計師平均都賺多少錢? (美國)

原文出處 How Much Does the Average Motion Designer Make?,授權翻譯自 School of Motion。 (U:為了翻譯順暢,內文有稍作修改,但意思大致上是相同的噢!)


原文出處 How Much to Charge for Your Motion Graphic Projects,授權翻譯自 School of Motion。(U:為了翻譯順暢,內文有稍作修改,但意思大致上是相同的噢!)

$7 vs $1000 的動態設計,有差嗎 ?-分析篇

原文出處 $7 vs $1000 Motion Design: Is There a Difference?,授權翻譯自 School of Motion。 (U:為了翻譯順暢,內文有稍作修改,但意思大致上是相同的噢!)

踏入動畫產業的七大指南 (上)- Jumbla

授權翻譯自Jumbla,原文出處:The Definitive Guide To Landing A Career In Animation (based on 3000+ job applications)

動態設計師不該再做的 7 件事

原文出處 Things Motion Designers Need to Stop Doing,授權翻譯自 School of Motion。(U:為了翻譯順暢,內文有稍作修改,但意思大致上是相同的噢!)

These were the top 10 stories published by U’s Motion Translator; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2018, 2019, and 2020.

U’s Motion Translator
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