12 User Research Labs and Research Viewing Facilities across the UK

UX Daily
User Research Hub
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4 min readJun 13, 2023

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Find the best viewing facility for your user research.

Market research and user research viewing facilities are specialised spaces designed to facilitate qualitative research studies. These facilities typically consist of one or more observation rooms equipped with advanced audiovisual technology, such as one-way mirrors, high-definition cameras, and microphones. The observation rooms are separated from the participant rooms by the one-way mirror, allowing researchers and clients to observe the research activities discreetly.

Source: Made in Studios

The participant rooms within these facilities are specifically designed to create a comfortable and natural setting for respondents. These rooms often resemble living rooms or focus group settings and are equipped with audio and video recording capabilities. Researchers can interact with participants directly or indirectly through trained moderators or facilitators who conduct the research activities.

A user research lab, also known as a usability lab or user experience lab, is a controlled environment specifically designed for conducting user research activities. It is a purpose-built facility equipped with tools and technologies that enable researchers to observe, analyze, and capture user interactions with products, prototypes, or digital interfaces.

Key Features and Components:

  1. Observation Room: The user research lab typically consists of an observation room separated by a one-way mirror or camera feed. This room allows researchers, designers, and stakeholders to observe and take notes on user behavior, reactions, and interactions without influencing or disrupting the research process.
  2. Test Room: The test room is the space where participants engage with the product, prototype, or digital interface under observation. It is designed to replicate real-world usage scenarios, providing participants with a comfortable and natural environment to interact with the product or interface.
  3. Audiovisual Equipment: User research labs are equipped with audio and video recording systems to capture the user’s interactions, facial expressions, and verbal feedback. These recordings serve as valuable data for analysis, allowing researchers to revisit and analyze specific moments or behaviors in detail.
  4. Usability Testing Tools: Labs often incorporate specialized tools and software to conduct usability testing. This may include eye-tracking devices, heat maps, screen recording software, and other tools that enable researchers to gain deeper insights into user behavior and interactions.

Benefits and Importance:

  1. Controlled Environment: User research labs provide a controlled setting for conducting research. By eliminating external distractions and variables, researchers can focus on understanding user behavior, preferences, and pain points more effectively.
  2. Objective Data Collection: The audiovisual recording capabilities of user research labs allow researchers to collect objective data during user sessions. This data can be analyzed later to gain deeper insights into user behavior, identify patterns, and support data-driven decision-making in the design and development process.
  3. Real-time Observation and Feedback: The one-way mirror or camera feed in the observation room enables researchers, designers, and stakeholders to observe user sessions in real-time. This live observation facilitates immediate feedback and discussions, leading to a better understanding of user needs and potential design improvements.
  4. Iterative Design and Improvement: User research labs support an iterative design process by providing a controlled space for testing prototypes and collecting feedback. The insights gained from user research sessions can inform design iterations, helping refine products and interfaces based on user needs and preferences.
  5. Collaboration and Stakeholder Involvement: User research labs create a dedicated space for collaboration among researchers, designers, and stakeholders. By involving all relevant parties in the research process, organizations can foster a user-centered culture and ensure that user insights are considered throughout the product development lifecycle.

12 Viewing facilities across the UK

  1. The Insight Rooms: Located in London, The insights rooms has specific user testing facilities and is a usability testing lab in London. They provide one-way mirrors, high-definition cameras, and professional-grade audio systems, ensuring researchers can closely observe and capture valuable insights.
  2. Made in Studios, Birmingham. https://www.madeinstudios.com/birmingham
  3. Uservision Edinburgh https://uservision.co.uk/uservisionfocus
  4. I-view London http://www.i-viewlondon.com/
  5. Wyoming, London https://www.wyoming.co.uk/london/
  6. Spectrum, London https://www.spectrumview.co.uk/
  7. The Human Lab, Bristol. https://www.thehumanlab.co.uk/
  8. Reflections, Manchester South (near Manchester airport) https://www.reflectionsmanchester.com/
  9. Innervisions Viewing Facility by Swift. With a viewing room offering first-hand observation and two adaptable studios, Innervisions is suitable for focus groups, in-depth interviews, central location tests and store mock-ups.The state-of-the-art, unique wet rooms are truly one of a kind, giving you the unique opportunity to observe participants using personal care products in a bathroom environment. Our in-house sensory laundry lab can prepare and store laundry for fragrance testing at Innervisions and around the UK.https://www.swift-innervisions.co.uk/
  10. The White Rooms. Leeds and St Albans. https://www.whiterooms-viewing.co.uk/
  11. Leeds Research Studio http://www.leedsresearchstudio.co.uk/about.html
  12. Aspect Manchester and Stockport https://www.aspectviewingfacilities.com/

