How to do cheap and fast user research: How to build your own user research panel — the Ultimate guide[Updated July 2023]

UX Daily
User Research Hub
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6 min readAug 20, 2016

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In today’s data-driven world, understanding your customers is paramount to business success. Gathering valuable insights from your target audience can help refine your products or services, enhance customer experiences, and make more informed business decisions. One effective method to achieve this is by creating your own online research panel. In this article, we will explore the essential considerations for building and managing a successful online research panel to conduct customer research.

Source: Pollfish

How to build your own research panel

Here are the steps:

Step one: Create a landing page

Step two: Build the profiling questionnaire

Step three: Decide on incentives

Step four: Recruit users

Step five: Send surveys and research invites

Step six: Remove unresponsive participants and recruit more

Let’s go into more detail about how to build a research panel

Step 1: Define Your Objectives and Target Audience:

Begin by clarifying the purpose of your research panel. Determine the specific goals you aim to achieve and the target audience you want to engage. Consider factors such as demographics, interests, behaviors, and any specific criteria relevant to your research objectives.

Step 2: Establish Recruitment Methods:

Decide on the methods you will use to recruit participants for your research panel. This can include online advertising, social media campaigns, partnerships with relevant organizations, or targeted email campaigns. Clearly communicate the benefits of joining your panel and the types of research activities participants can expect.

Step 3: Design a User-Friendly Registration Process:

Create a user-friendly registration process to capture the necessary information from potential panelists. Keep the registration form concise and straightforward, focusing on key demographics and interests that align with your research goals. Consider providing incentives, such as discounts, rewards, or exclusive content, to encourage participation.

Step 4: Develop a Communication Strategy:

Establish effective communication channels to engage with your research panel members. This can include email newsletters, online forums, social media groups, or a dedicated panel website. Regularly update participants on upcoming research opportunities, provide relevant content, and maintain open lines of communication to foster a sense of community.

Step 5: Implement Research Activities:

Begin conducting research activities with your panel members. This can include online surveys, focus groups, in-depth interviews, usability testing, or product testing. Ensure that the research activities align with your research objectives and deliver valuable insights. Maintain transparency about the purpose of each study and provide clear instructions for participation.

Step 6: Analyze and Share Findings:

Collect and analyze the data gathered from your research activities. Utilize appropriate analysis techniques to extract meaningful insights and patterns. Once you have derived valuable findings, share them with your research panel members to demonstrate the impact of their participation and foster a sense of collaboration.

Step 7: Continuously Engage and Evolve:

Nurture your research panel by continuously engaging with participants and adapting to their needs. Regularly seek feedback and suggestions to improve the panel experience. Consider introducing new research methodologies, expanding the panel’s demographics, or exploring niche research areas based on participant interests and market demands.

Step 8: Maintain Ethical Practices:

Ensure your research panel adheres to ethical standards and privacy regulations. Safeguard participant data and maintain confidentiality. Obtain informed consent from panel members for each research activity and provide them with clear information on how their data will be used.

Starting your own research panel can provide you with a dedicated community of participants, enabling efficient data collection and valuable insights for your market research efforts. By following these steps, you can establish a successful research panel that engages participants, fosters collaboration, and generates high-quality data. Remember to continually adapt and evolve your panel based on participant feedback and market demands, ensuring the longevity and relevance of your research panel.

The Benefits of Building Your Own User Research Panel

User research plays a pivotal role in understanding your target audience, refining your products, and delivering exceptional user experiences. One powerful approach to harnessing the full potential of user research is by building your own user research panel. In this article, we will explore the numerous benefits of establishing a dedicated user research panel for your business.

Direct Access to Target Audience

One of the primary advantages of creating your user research panel is the direct access it provides to your target audience. By recruiting participants who are already interested in your products or services, you can gain valuable insights from individuals who are invested in your brand. This direct connection fosters a deeper understanding of your users’ needs, preferences, and pain points, leading to more relevant and actionable feedback.

Timely and Flexible Research

With an in-house user research panel, you have the freedom to conduct research on your own schedule. This flexibility enables you to quickly respond to emerging market trends, new product developments, or changing user demands. Timely research allows your business to stay ahead of the competition and make informed decisions in a dynamic marketplace.


While outsourcing user research to specialized agencies can be beneficial, it can also be costly, especially for smaller businesses or startups. Building your own user research panel, on the other hand, offers a cost-effective alternative. Over time, the panel becomes a reusable resource, reducing the need for repetitive recruitment expenses and streamlining research processes.

Tailored and Relevant Research

An in-house user research panel allows you to customize research studies according to your specific needs. You can design surveys, interviews, or usability tests tailored to your products or services, which ensures that the gathered insights directly address your business’s unique challenges and goals. This tailored approach leads to more relevant and actionable findings.

Long-Term Customer Engagement

A well-maintained user research panel fosters long-term engagement with your customers. Participants feel valued and heard when their opinions and feedback are consistently sought. This engagement not only enhances brand loyalty but also encourages a sense of community among panel members, which can lead to valuable word-of-mouth marketing.

Confidentiality and Data Security

Building your own user research panel provides you with complete control over data confidentiality and security. Unlike outsourcing research, where sensitive user data may be handled by third parties, an in-house panel allows you to implement robust data protection measures. This instills trust in your customers, which is vital in today’s data privacy-conscious environment.

Iterative Product Development

Continuous user research facilitated by your research panel allows for iterative product development. As you gather feedback from users at different stages of product development, you can make incremental improvements and course corrections. This iterative approach enhances product quality and aligns it more closely with user expectations.

Holistic User Understanding

Over time, your user research panel accumulates a wealth of data and insights about your target audience. This comprehensive understanding of your users goes beyond demographics and surface-level preferences. It enables you to identify patterns, detect emerging trends, and make strategic decisions that resonate with the core needs of your customers.

Building your own user research panel empowers your business to delve deeper into the minds of your target audience, leading to better product development, enhanced user experiences, and more successful marketing strategies. The direct access to your customers, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility of research make this approach a highly beneficial investment. By nurturing this valuable resource, you foster a strong sense of community, brand loyalty, and a competitive edge in the market. Embrace the benefits of an in-house user research panel to unlock your business’s full potential in catering to the needs of your most important stakeholders — your customers.

