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How to Advocate and Articulate User Experience!
How to Advocate and Articulate User Experience!
It’s getting better and better but still, how many times have you had to justify why user experience matters and what it actually means?
Edijs Bogomolovs
May 15, 2022
Students redesign Swedbank’s mobile banking app UX
Students redesign Swedbank’s mobile banking app UX
How we identified, prototyped and tested two UX improvements for a popular mobile banking app.
Edijs Bogomolovs
Jun 17, 2020
Your New Superpower Design Sprints
Your New Superpower Design Sprints
Design Sprint (DS) is the process of validating your team’s ideas and solving big challenges through prototyping and testing those ideas…
Edijs Bogomolovs
Mar 1, 2020
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