Top Stories published by Valtech — Sitecore experts since 2008 in 2016

Building your CMS architecture: Best practices

By: Sitecore MVPs Amanda Shiga & Glen McInnis

Architecture decisions can have as much of an impact on the stability and performance of your CMS as decisions about the CMS itself. This

An introduction to A/B testing with Sitecore

By: Sitecore MVP Randy Woods

A collection of our Valtech thinking on the ins and outs of A/B testing and its relation to other elements of digital marketing including ecommerce and persona analysis.

Designing college and university website navigation using UX design

By: UX designer Robyn Bragg

Visitors come to higher education websites for all kinds of different reasons. It’s your job to make sure they can find exactly what they’re

How to create custom HTML helpers with Sitecore MVC

By: Sitecore MVP Nick Allen

As part of our continued series on Sitecore MVC, we addresses the change to the presentation level of the Experience Editor by providing a method for creating custom

How the Canadian Anti Spam Law (CASL) impacts B2B email marketing

By: Sitecore MVP Randy Woods

As of July 2014, B2B email marketers will be faced with serious challenges when it comes to communication with potential clients. Get a head

Add these 7 steps to your Sitecore quality assurance checklist

By: QA Analyst Mauro Madeira

Sitecore is a very flexible tool. You can accomplish a lot with a clever team, but the risk of overlooking simple but important details is

How to ensure accessibility in your Sitecore builds

By: Sitecore MVP Amanda Shiga

Ensuring that your website is accessible to everyone is a challenge often overlooked by developers and designers alike. Luckily a Sitecore build gives you all the

Bad UI: What I learned from the world’s worst stove about UX design

By: UX designer Robyn Bragg

As we all know, lessons can be learned in the oddest of places. Learn about the ineffectiveness of poor user interfaces with this real world

These were the top 10 stories published by Valtech — Sitecore experts since 2008 in 2016. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2016 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Valtech — Sitecore experts since 2008
Sitecore expertise from: 16 Sitecore MVPs, solution architects, project managers, and UX designers. 1000’s of Sitecore sites launched. Valtech has a team of 2,500 digital experts operating from 36 offices around the world.
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