(191126 Updated)VAULT Supported Token List | VAULT 支援貨幣一覽表

VAULT wallet
Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2019

(The article was updated on 2019/11/26)

From BTC, popular ERC20 stablecoin, BEP2, to our users’ favorite MITH, VAULT has supported a wide range of 14 different kinds of cryptoassets up to date. VAULT will continue to bring more mainstream, commonly used cryptocurrencies for users to manage cryptoassets conveniently and with more flexibility.

We have compiled a list of supported cryptoassets for you:

(in alphabetical order)

  1. Bitcoin (BTC)
  2. Binance Coin (BNB)
  3. Binance Coin, BEP2 (BNB, BEP2)
  4. Dai (DAI)
  5. Ethereum (ETH)
  6. Mithril (MITH)
  7. Mithril, BEP2 (MITH, BEP2)
  8. Machi X (MCX)
  9. OKB (OKB)
  10. Paxos Standard Token (PAX)
  11. TrueUSD (TUSD)
  12. Tether, ERC20 (USDT, ERC20)
  13. Tezos (XTZ)
  14. USD Coin (USDC)

*Additional information for each cryptocurrency

Mithril (MITH)

Founded by a popular Taiwanese rapper, entrepreneur, Jeffrey Huang, in 2017.

Machi X (MCX)

An exchange token issued by Machi X- A social marketplace for intellectual properties.

Bitcoin (BTC)

The world’s first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin is stored and exchanged securely on the internet through a digital ledger known as a blockchain. https://bit.ly/2X9csQ8

Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum is an open-source, public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform and operating system featuring smart contract functionality.

Binance Coin (BNB)

Binance Coin is an ERC20 token used to pay fees on the Binance cryptocurrency exchange. https://bit.ly/2D9I6Fq

Tether (USDT, ERC20)

USDT, ERC20 is the cryptocurrency that’s equivalent to US dollars. Users will be able to exchange between USDT, ERC20 and USD at the exchange rate of 1:1 anytime.



TrueUSD (TUSD) is the ERC-20 token and stablecoin that’s pegged to the value of the U.S. dollar.


USD Coin (USDC) is a fully collateralized US Dollar stablecoin based on the open source fiat stablecoin framework developed by Centre, a consortium founded by Circle and Coinbase.

Paxos Standard Token (PAX)

Paxos Standard™ is the world’s first regulated crypto asset. The Paxos Standard token is fully collateralized 1:1 by the U.S. dollar, issued by the Paxos Trust Company and approved and regulated by the New York State Department of Financial Services.

Dai (DAI)

The​ ​Dai​ ​Stablecoin​ ​is​ ​​collateral-backed​ ​cryptocurrency​ ​whose​ ​value​ ​is​ ​stable​ ​relative​ ​to​ ​the US​ ​Dollar.​ ​Stable​ ​digital​ ​assets​ ​like​ ​Dai​ ​Stablecoin​ ​are​ ​essential​ ​to​ ​realizing the​ ​full​ ​potential​ ​of​ ​blockchain​ ​technology. Dai is secured by blockchain assets, pegged to US$1 through the Target Rate Feedback Mechanism (TRFM), and is subject to examinations open to all blockchain users. https://bit.ly/2IjX3Js

(本文章更新於 2019/11/26)

VAULT 至今已經支援十四種貨幣,從最常見的比特幣(BTC)到 ERC20 穩定幣、BEP2 以及大家最喜愛的秘銀幣(MITH),VAULT 持續努力讓更多常用的虛擬貨幣上線,未來期望讓 VAULT 用戶們能更彈性、更方便的管理數位資產!


  1. Bitcoin (BTC)
  2. Binance Coin (BNB)
  3. Binance Coin, BEP2 (BNB, BEP2)
  4. Dai (DAI)
  5. Ethereum (ETH)
  6. Mithril (MITH)
  7. Mithril, BEP2 (MITH, BEP2)
  8. Machi X (MCX)
  9. OKB (OKB)
  10. Paxos Standard Token (PAX)
  11. TrueUSD (TUSD)
  12. Tether, ERC20 (USDT, ERC20)
  13. Tezos (XTZ)
  14. USD Coin (USDC)



Mithril (MITH, 秘銀幣)


Machi X (MCX)

為虛擬版權交易平台 Machi X 所發行的平台幣。

Bitcoin (BTC, 比特幣)

BTC 為最早出現的虛擬貨幣,透過區塊鏈達到去中心化的特性,確保其流通安全性。(之前介紹 BTC 文章

Ethereum (ETH, 以太幣)

ETH 是以太坊Ethereum)的一種數字代幣,主要為在以太坊上支付交易手續費和運算服務的媒介。

Binance Coin (BNB)

由幣安(Binance)發行的平台幣,BNB 是目前市值最高、用戶量最大的的平台幣,可用於支付幣安交易時的手續費並獲得相關優惠折抵。(之前關於 BNB 文章

Tezos (XTZ)

Tezos 為支援智能合約、去中心化應用程式、並可以自我修正( Self-Amendment )的區塊鏈平台。其平台上通用的虛擬貨幣稱為 XTZ。持有 XTZ 者可以參與鏈上協議且具有投票權,以促進鏈上的進步。

以下為 ERC20 的穩定幣:

包含「法幣抵押的穩定幣」- USDT(ERC20)、TUSD、USDC、PAX 和 「虛擬資產抵押的穩定幣」-DAI。(之前關於穩定幣介紹文章

Tether (USDT ERC20, 泰達幣)

USDT, ERC20 是與美金大約等值的虛擬貨幣,用戶可隨時使用USDT, ERC20 與USD進行1:1兌換,是市場中良好的保值虛擬貨幣,廣受世界各交易所的歡迎。(之前關於USDT介紹文章


建立於以太坊上,由 TrustToken 平台所創建的一款穩定幣,與美金大約等值。


由 Circle 公司所發行的穩定幣,與美金大約等值,在美國貨幣傳輸法規的監管內運作。

Paxos Standard Token (PAX)

由 Paxos 公司發行錨定美元 (USD) 1:1 價值的穩定型虛擬貨幣,受到美國政府監管。

Dai (DAI, 穩定幣)

由MakerDAO團隊開發,DAI 為建立在以太坊上的去中心化穩定幣。在幣價波動的市場中,持幣者可利用穩定幣來做資產保值,將手中其他幣種兌換為穩定幣作為避險工具。與其他大眾無法得知其對應美金存底的穩定幣相比,DAI 透明、公開及安全穩定的特性,更受持幣者喜愛。(之前關於 DAI 文章

