Special Offer to Make the Veredictum Token Sale Attractive When the Price of ETH Has Risen by 50%

Tim Lea
Published in
3 min readSep 1, 2017

Ethereum’s cryptocurrency ETH has risen by 50% in price since we announced the launch of the Veredictum Token Sale on August 14. We have heard from several supporters that the ETH price rise has stopped them from supporting our Token Sale because the price of our tokens has risen in USD terms.


When we wrote the smart contract for our Token Sale we wanted the contract to be as secure as possible. This meant keeping the smart contract simple. We priced Ventana at $0.333 per token. This price was based on the average price of ETH over the previous 60 days as seen on Etherscan.io. This averaged out to $258 at the time. We hard baked our smart contract to reflect the minimum raise of 7,752 ETH — $2m based on the average valuation of ETH. This is the amount we need to build and market the decentralised registration of video content and the automated digital fingerprinting as can be seen in our demo sites below :

Digital Fingerprinting demo

Content Certification demo

Since we launched on August 14, however, the price of Ethereum has risen to $388, a 50% rise beyond the average price we looked at. As a result, the effective price of our Ventana coin in USD terms has risen by 50%.

So we are delighted to be releasing a special offer from today

The Offer

For the first 7,752 ETH only, in other words our minimum raise, we are giving existing Ventana holders an additional bonus of 50% additional tokens on the tokens already purchased. (Please note this does not apply to any volume bonus tokens received).

For all new supporters, there will be a bonus structure that will reduce as follows:

50% bonus on tokens purchased up until Monday September 4 UTC 09:00

40% bonus on tokens purchased until from Monday September 4 UTC 09:01 to Wednesday September 6 UTC 9:00

30% bonus tokens on tokens purchased until Wednesday September 6 UTC 09:01 to Friday September 8 UTC 9:00

25% bonus tokens made available from Friday September 8 UTC 09:01 to Saturday September 9 UTC 9:00

20% bonus tokens made available from Saturday September 9 UTC 09:01 to Sunday 10 UTC 9:00

10% bonus tokens made available from Sunday September 10 UTC 09:01 to Monday 11 UTC 9:00

In this way, existing token holders get a guaranteed bonus for having supported us when the ETH price was much lower, whilst as a new supporter you will get rewarded with increased tokens, the quicker you sign up!

But Please note: Once we hit 7,752 ETH in the crowdsale the above bonus offer will cease. These bonuses will made available manually at the end of the crowdsale.

So sign up to our Token sale today and generate your additional bonus tokens now!

Got to https://tokensale.veredictum.io



Tim Lea

Blockchain Entrepreneur & Evangelist | Author of Plain English Blockchain Book Down The Rabbit Hole | International Speaker | Cryptocurrency & ICO Investor