Top Stories published by verse2 in September of 2022

ETH Seoul Hackathon Winner: verse2 [KR]

2022년 8월 한국 Seoul에서 열린 ETH Seoul Ethereum의 창시자인 Vitalik Buterin 등 글로벌 블록체인 리더들이 한자리에 모인…

ETH Seoul Hackathon Winner: verse2 [EN]

ETH Seoul which was held during August, 2022, is one of the globally recognized crypto…

Polygon BUIDL IT Hackathon Winner: verse2 [KR]

Polygon BUIDL IT Hackathon은 Global Virtual Hackathon으로 전 세계의 블록체인 개발자들이 주목하는…

verse2 is specialized in developing DeFi services and serious Crypto Investor at the same time. The team has in-depth knowledge and experience in the DeFi sector by developing and operating various protocols. /
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