A Look Back at Our Road to Everest

Vivid Labs Team
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2020

The summit is near! On May 27, VideoCoin Network will reach its ultimate destination, ‘Everest,’ our fourth milestone on our roadmap we call the ‘Road to Everest’. Along the path ahead, we see some exciting developments coming to the VideoCoin Network which we can’t wait to share with you.

Before we make that final step towards Everest, we’d like to take a look back at our journey. Over the last 18 months, our team has made some remarkably innovative leaps in the development of the VideoCoin Network. Let’s take a look back and highlight some of the top moments in development on the Road to Everest.

November 2018

VideoCoin TestNet Demo: In late 2018 we shared a live demonstration of VideoCoin’s protocol working in real-time. This was the first look at how video packets and transactions process on the VideoCoin native blockchain. Our TestNet demo brought the concept of using blockchain technology to disrupt the online video industry into reality.

January 2019

VideoCoin Alpha: A little over a year ago, we launched the VideoCoin Network into Alpha. This update included major improvements to the blockchain protocol, a launch of VideoCoin Symphony, and brought in developers and users to participate on the network for the first time.

February 2019

Breakthrough in zkSNARKS: VideoCoin Research introduced the zkSNARKs research for zero-knowledge transcode verification. This was a breakthrough way of scaling on-the-chain verification on the VideoCoin Network.

March 2019

VideoCoin Publisher Studio launched, allowing users to stream videos over the blockchain for the first time ever.

June 2019

The VideoCoin team announced another huge breakthrough advancement in using zkSNARKs for Proof of Video Transcoding.

August 2019

Mount Fuji Release — The VideoCoin team released our product into the wild and began the four-stage journey to disrupt the largest utilization of the Internet, the online video industry. Fuji enabled users to livestream video content on the VideoCoin Network using the VideoCoin token. This was the first utility use-case of the VID.

November 2019

The Kilimanjaro Release included the introduction of third-party workers, performance improvements to the protocol, scalability, and much more.

December 2019

We ushered in new development for the VideoCoin Network and released a full open-source code of Orbital Android, a streaming app integrated into the VideoCoin Network.

February 2020

K2 Release — This release added major breakthroughs in our proof of transcoding, enhancements to VOD, and the ability for workers to participate in the VideoCoin Network.

What an amazing journey it has been and the journey only continues! The next stop is the summit of Everest on May 27. Thanks for joining us on our ‘Road To Everest’, we can’t wait to share what’s to come!



Vivid Labs Team

Creators of VIVID, the next generation NFT publishing platform that allows anyone to create, manage, and sell multimedia NFTs.