Top Stories published by Viewpoint Magazine in 2011

Deviations, Part 1: The Castoriadis-Pannekoek Exchange

Introduction | Letter 1 | Letter 2 | Letter 3
Now available (8/6/13): Letters 4 and 5

In early 1953 Cajo Brendel, a Dutch council communist affiliated with a group known as Spartacus…

Letter 1: Pannekoek to Castoriadis

Introduction | Letter 1 | Letter 2 | Letter 3
Now available (8/6/13): Letters 4 and 5

I offer you many thanks for the series of eleven issues of Socialisme ou Barbarie that you gave to comrade B… to give to me. I read…

Letter 2: Castoriadis to Pannekoek

Introduction | Letter 1 | Letter 2 | Letter 3 | Original
Now available (8/6/13): Letters 4 and 5

Your letter has provided a great satisfaction to all the comrades of the group; satisfaction of seeing our work…

Letter 3: Pannekoek to Castoriadis

Introduction | Letter 1 | Letter 2 | Letter 3 | Original
Now available (8/6/13): Letters 4 and 5

I noticed with great pleasure that you have published in your review Socialisme ou Barbarie a translation of my letter…

Finance in Frankfurt: The Global Left and the Eurozone

Coming out of the city on the train one morning, I passed by Occupy Frankfurt — maybe three dozen large tents, a concentrated but steadfast group. It was pouring rain — my run from the tram to the main train station left me soaking…

Steal This Data

“The ruling class in the United States,” as McKenzie Wark puts it in the recent special issue of Theory and Event on the Occupy movement, “is less and less one that makes things, and more and more one that owns information and collects a rent from it.” Every time you buy a CD or DVD, even every time…

The General Strike: An Incomplete Bibliography for Ambivalent Occupiers

Occupy Oakland’s call for a day-long general strike on November 2 has revived interest in the tactic, calls for which were also heard over the winter in Madison, Wisconsin. Yet the general strike is…

A House Is a Home (with the help of bolt cutters): on occupation and its potentialities

Occupy-related protests have steadily increased in number and militancy, and so has the resulting police repression. This has only made it more urgent to to identify and understand…


A general strike has been declared by the Oakland General Assembly. The original version of this song was the number one hit during the 1946 Oakland General Strike. According to Stan Weir:

These were the top 30 stories published by Viewpoint Magazine in 2011. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2011 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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