Most useful Polish words

Zuzana Pápayová
Vocabulary Miner
Published in
Apr 22, 2019

What Polish words are useful for foreigners?

We were creating the most useful words for any foreigner and traveler (or beginner language student). We searched the forums, dictionaries, blogs…but then we realized, maybe we should also ask learners, too.

Because sometimes your assumptions might be not just totally right.

We asked people in Facebook groups Learn Polish for their opinion. Facebook learning communities were our sample to challenge our hypothesis when creating the ultimate useful list of words and phrases.

Food, drink and swear words will get you further into Polish culture. As one learner said: “…because who doesn’t like cookies?”

Our favorite? “Czuję się jak młody bóg.” ( I feel like a young god. — well, full of energy, healthy)

Find the complete list of user’s words below:

We let ourselves inspired by these answers. We created the Word list “Travel” that consist of useful words.

“Travel” by Vocabulary Miner can come handy if you travel or learn Polish and/or 6 other languages (Czech, Slovak, German, English, Spanish, French). Search for it in the app.

Interested in Czech most useful words? Prepare yourself to be surprised!

And if you want to make learning language easier, check how to use Google Translate and a Flashcard app.

Have you ever felt frustrated with sth so much that you would rather create it on your own? That’s the story of Flashcard maker Vocabulary Miner. Read more on our blog.

Interested in more stories? We practice to #saymore on our Instagram, too.



Zuzana Pápayová
Vocabulary Miner

Marketing Explorer for Vocabulary Miner. Currently searching for a way in Marketing labyrinths.