How AI-Based Drone Works: Artificial Intelligence Drone Use Cases

Vikram Singh Bisen
Published in
7 min readFeb 5, 2020
AI Drone: Image Credit

Autonomous flying machines or drones use the computer vision technology to hover in the air avoiding the objects to keep moving on the right path. And now artificial intelligence (AI) is used in drones to make this flying machine smarter.

From security surveillance to aerial view monitoring, AI drone is now used by online retail giant Amazon to deliver the products at customer’s doorstep revolutionizing the transportation and delivery system by logistics and supply chain companies.

Computer Vision in Drone Technology

Computer vision is playing a key role in detecting the various types of objects while flying in midair. A high-performance onboard image processing and a drone neural network are used for object detection, classification, and tracking while flying into the air.

The neural network in drones helps to detect the various types of objects like vehicles, foothills, buildings, trees, objects on or near the surface of the water, as well as diverse terrain.

Computer vision also helps detect livening beings like humans, whales, ground animals and other marine mammals with a high level of accuracy.

How Drone Technology Works?

A self-flying drone is built with various in-built computerized programming and uses technology like propulsion and navigation systems, GPS, sensors and cameras, programmable controllers as well as equipment for automated flights.

Video: Drone Detecting Object Through Computer Vision

A drone is used to capture the data using the camera and sensors, which are later analyzed to extract useful information to utilize for a specific purpose.

This process is known as computer vision and is related to the automatic extraction, analysis and understanding of meaningful information through one or more images processed through computer vision technology.

Deep Machine Learning in Object Detection & Drone Navigation

Computer vision now backed with machine learning and deep learning algorithms is making a drastic change in the drone industry. It helps algorithms to learn from captured images of various objects that come while using the drones for various purposes.

The objects are annotated to make them recognizable to drones through computer vision. And a wide variety of entities are labelled to make sure the drone can detect and decide its direction and control to fly safely avoiding the obstacles in the path.

Applications of Computer Vision in Drones:

  • Object tracking
  • Self-navigation
  • Obstacle detection and collision avoidance technologies

Computer vision in drones helps to track the objects while working for self-navigation and detect the obstacles to avoid a collision with such objects.

While object tracking drone captures the real-time data during the flight, processes it with an on-board intelligence system in real-time, and makes a human-independent decision based on the processed data.

While on the other hand, self-navigation drones get pre-defined GPS coordinates about departure and destination points, with the capability to find the most optimal way and get there without manual control thanks to AI-enabled computer vision advances.

Similarly, GPS navigation is not enough to solve the problem of collision avoidance. Result, drones or autonomous flying objects crash into trees, buildings, high-rise poles, drones and various similar varied types of unlimited objects lying or standing in the natural environment.

Here, the drone needs to be trained with a huge amount of data sets to make it learn and detect a wide variety of objects and obstacles, both static and in motion, and avoid them when moving at a high speed.

And it is possible when the right data annotation company ensure providing precisely annotated data to train the AI model for autonomous flying.

AI-enabled Commercial Drone Use Cases

Drone in Smart Cities & Urban Management

Smart cities are developed with the most advanced features like well-connected homes and equipment systems with control on the user’s palm.

Most of the infrastructural amenities are either fully or partially automated with advanced security surveillance used in AI-based cameras for quick facial recognition and tracing unwanted objects.

Video: AI Drone in Smart Cities

And in urban management drones help to get the Aerial view mapping of urban houses and the urban landscape design allowing civil engineers or architecture to make the most feasible plan layout.

Moreover, it also plays a crucial role in traffic monitoring and defines the city route for smooth and trouble-free movement.

Video: AI Drone in Urban Management

Drone in Agriculture & High-tech Farming

AI drones in agriculture are playing a crucial role in monitoring the crops and plants health conditions. Farmers are using drones to determine the best time to plant to apply the right amount of fertilizer at the right time.

Video: Drone in Agriculture & Farming

Drones are capable to monitor crops, assess soil, check the soil fertility and help crop protection.

A drone is also planting trees by shooting the seedpods into the prepared soil helping farmers to save their cost and time allowing them to get in involved in other activities to improve the productivity of the entire agricultural sector.

Drone in Real Estate & Construction Industry

As per the construction companies they are going to spend more than $11.2 billion on drones in the next five years, allowing the drone industry to get developed in various fields and also allowing the manufacturers to make drones.

Video: Drone at Construction Site

AI drones in construction companies can scan or map the terrain of buildings within a few minutes, that human requires several days to complete.

And with a bird-eye view, for the construction vehicles during the projects, drones are providing an accurate position and information to create self-guided equipment in the near future.

Video: Drone in Real Estate

Similarly, real estate companies are using drones to get photographs of homes and commercial buildings, as well as aerial maps and local information for homebuyers to provide them with a real scenario without physically visiting the sites helping them to save their time and efforts.

AI Drone in the Military and Defense Sector

In the military and defence sector drones are becoming popular developed for unmanned weapons to combat or bombard enemies in the war.

However, right now drone is already used for patrolling the borders, monitoring security, tracking storms and performing safety inspections. And many of them are also used for food supplies.

Video: AI Drone in Military & Defense

Developing drones need high-precision computer vision-based navigation and object detection system to work efficiently. Few drones are now capable of intelligence gathering or chemical detection with a high level of accuracy.

Human Tracking and Face Recognition

Drones are also used for tracking humans in societies or at parks from a security perspective. Its camera is used for face recognition to detect suspicious people or track their facial gestures or emotions tracking while flying.

Video: Drone in Face Recognition

Developing drones for face recognition needs another technology that can train an AI model to detect people using their facial attributes.

Again, annotated images used as training data to create an AI model for drone help such autonomous flying machines to identify people among the huge crowd.

Drones in Security and Surveillance

Making the life of people safer and secure, drones are playing another role in the security and surveillance of people living in unsafe areas or even in habitat environments.

Drones are used as security cameras for monitoring unusual activities outside threats like theft or violence and protest to recognize the people or track their activities.

Video: Drones in Security and Surveillance

Drone applications in various fields are becoming significant and AI-based drones can provide game-changing results to get connected from distant locations providing real-time data for quick action.

However, in upcoming days, with improved computer vision technology and more efficient training of autonomous flying capability, drones will bring benefits to various crucial industries and help to solve humanity’s greatest problems.

To detect the various objects you need training data for a drone. And these training data include the annotated images of various objects that a drone can recognize through computer vision and move avoiding the obstacles in the path.

And there are many companies in image annotation services to annotate the data with an exceptional level of accuracy to make sure drones can easily detect varied objects and can be used for various purposes benefiting humans.

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Vikram Singh Bisen

Content Writer | Stock Market Analyst | Author & News Editor at The Telegraph Daily