How (not) to respond to an online PR crisis (cc ITVfootball)

As you may have read, ITV HD managed to run an advert at exactly the same time Steven Gerrard scored for England against the USA last Saturday. OK, it’s the worst possible timing for that to happen, but they do have previous…

Great essay from Nick Aldridge on the role of technology in the “Big Society”

There are a whole host of essays related to the government’s latest efforts to build a strong culture of giving. Naturally, the one I was most interested in was the paper by MissionFish UK CEO Nick…

My year (of presentations) in numbers

I’ve not blogged much here in 2010, or even on the JG blog much since I moved jobs. And the reason is that the time I’d normally spend blogging, I’ve spent writing presentations — an awful lot of them. So it’s been interesting (to me at least, as a numbers person)…

On innovations in digital fundraising

Today I gave a presentation to a bunch of young charity sector professionals who are part of the Charity works scheme. If you’ve never heard of it, it’s the UK charity sector’s graduate scheme and is a great thing. Check them out (and then come back here).

Musing on blogs (aka the self-indulgence starts)

It is really stupidly easy to start blogging on It’s been a while since I blogged at the old JG blog (which is still live, and shouldn’t be…) which was a hosted site. Now our blogs (all 3 of them — for runners, the…

Products with Purpose
Products with Purpose
A blog by Jonathan Waddingham about the things I’m interested in: charity, tech, social, mobile, product.
More information