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Change Begins

Wake the Earth- book 1- chapter 2

Lysergic World Design
Wake The Earth
Published in
12 min readMay 13, 2023


Chapter 2 cover page, art credit author

If you haven’t read my first chapter, here’s where to go for that. To read Moost’s origin stories, click here.

Cedric wakes up to pounding coming from his front door, along with the incessant ringing of the doorbell. He hazily gets up, puts on a pair of boxer shorts and heads to the entrance.

“Who the fuck does this?” he mutters to himself on his way to the entrance.

He turns on the monitor for the entranceway camera and sees a large dark-skinned man wearing punk clothes, with a nose full of metal, thick tunnels in his ears, and tattoos climbing up his neck onto his partially shaven head with a strip of dreadlocks tied back.

“Of course, that’s who the fuck does this.”

“Moost!”, he happily exclaims as he opens the door for his best friend and gives him a big hug. “How do you always show up at the right time?”

Chapter 2 Page 1, art credit author

“I’m fuckin’ magic, man!” his friend replies.

“Mustafa, I have had a…



Lysergic World Design
Wake The Earth

I’m an artist who’s creating an epic graphic novel. The things that’ll be posting here will be of the lore involved, as well as written excerpts.