Archive of stories published by WattWattEnergy

Crypto economics makes it unaffordable to misbehave

Modern cryptography using computers allows for affordable and easily repeatable encryption that allows for widespread adoption and new methods of encryption to be built on top of each other. Initially used during WWII for sending messages…

What’s a smart contract?

First of all, it’s a digital contract. It’s lines of code that dictate the rules of the contract. These lines of code are deployed to the general blockchain by the developer and have their own address. When these lines of code are deployed, they can be programmed to no longer have an…

You need to incentivize investment

Individual investors are looking for places to invest their money where they can be assured that they will receive the most return for the least amount of risk. If one wants to find funding for their project, they need to offer to pay an attractive enough interest rate

Why existing fossil fuel generation is on the way out

  • The current method of electrical generation generates excessive volumes of greenhouse gas emissions that have offset the amount of naturally sequestered greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This will cause the Earth’s climate to…

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