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Oscar Soto ⚡
How To Increase Your Followers Number
3 min readFeb 28, 2022


Dear reader,

First of all, please let me thank you for reading this story. My name is Oscar Soto and I’m the Chief Editor of the publication called “How To Increase Your Followers Number”.

I would like to start making you some questions:

  • Did you go through the process of reaching 100 followers?
  • Did you struggle to achieve it?
  • Would you share your tips with the Medium audience to support them in reaching this same goal?

If the answer to my last question is YES, then keep reading… But before moving forward, don’t forget to follow this Publication.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

Why this Publication?

After joining Medium few months ago, I started publishing some content but I saw the follower count was not increasing as expected. So, I started investigating and came up with the follow-for-follow idea.

This approach worked really well for me and I wrote these 3 stories to share it:



Oscar Soto ⚡
How To Increase Your Followers Number

IT Manager | Writer and Owner of a Medium Top Publication | Management, Productivity and Audience Growth | ✍️ Join The Medium Writers Club!