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A chatbot and knowledge base
for people encountering challenges in their relationship
Domestic Violence Survivors
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Miten voin hyödyntää AinoAid™ chatbotia?
Miten voin hyödyntää AinoAid™ chatbotia?
Väkivallan kokeminen läheisessä ihmissuhteessa vaikuttaa aina haitallisesti. Väkivallan kokeminen lannistaa, nöyryyttää, saa itsetunnon ja…
AinoAid™ by We Encourage
Dec 17, 2024
Ihan tavallisesta arjesta — kysymyksiä Ainolle
Ihan tavallisesta arjesta — kysymyksiä Ainolle
kirjoittanut Suvituuli
AinoAid™ by We Encourage
May 26, 2024
Trauma-based reasons behind violence
Trauma-based reasons behind violence
Psychological trauma is a deeply distressing or disturbing experience that can have long-lasting effects on a person’s mental and emotional…
AinoAid™ by We Encourage
Jul 27, 2023
Master’s thesis: Virginity myths and virginity testing lead to people’s need for support in Finland…
Master’s thesis: Virginity myths and virginity testing lead to people’s need for support in Finland…
Virginity testing is an old tradition that still lives on globally. Laurea’s Master degree programme’s student Ellimari Kortman’s thesis…
AinoAid™ by We Encourage
Jul 5, 2023
Solution-oriented therapy for the experiences of domestic violence
Solution-oriented therapy for the experiences of domestic violence
What kind of therapy there is available? What happens in solution-oriented therapy? Does it mean you have to focus on solutions rather than…
AinoAid™ by We Encourage
May 15, 2023
Barriers to overcome for survivors 💪
Barriers to overcome for survivors 💪
We are working in the IMPROVE project to understand the needs of domestic violence survivors in different EU countries and break down…
AinoAid™ by We Encourage
Apr 27, 2023
IMPROVE what is it and why is We Encourage part of it?
IMPROVE what is it and why is We Encourage part of it?
The European Commission has committed to protecting all EU citizens' fundamental rights and freedoms. Yet, domestic violence (DV) and…
AinoAid™ by We Encourage
Feb 1, 2023
Why Are We Creating AI -services for People Affected by Domestic Violence?
Why Are We Creating AI -services for People Affected by Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence is a persistent problem globally and, due to low reporting, remains a hidden epidemic with tremendous harm to individuals…
AinoAid™ by We Encourage
Jan 26, 2023
Why it’s important to address the healing support of perpetrators as well
Why it’s important to address the healing support of perpetrators as well
When it comes to addressing domestic violence, it is important to focus not only on the victims, but also on the perpetrators. By providing…
AinoAid™ by We Encourage
Jan 10, 2023
How Is Content Created for AinoAid™ Services?
How Is Content Created for AinoAid™ Services?
Domestic violence is a global problem and affects millions of people. It causes several problems not only for the victims of violence but…
AinoAid™ by We Encourage
Jan 5, 2023
Orange the world
Orange the world
Have you ever thought about why you may like special colors or why one color gives you a specific vibe or energy? Orange has a special…
AinoAid™ by We Encourage
Dec 6, 2022
Rajojen asettaminen — Rakkauttako?
Rajojen asettaminen — Rakkauttako?
On helppoa sanoa “kyllä”, koska silloin voi kokea tulevansa hyväksytyksi. Vanhemmille, olemalla kiltti lapsi. Tekemällä kaiken, kuten he…
AinoAid™ by We Encourage
Nov 11, 2022
The characteristics of four different narcissistic personalities
The characteristics of four different narcissistic personalities
One of the most important things that you need to understand when learning about narcissism and narcissistic abuse is that there are four…
AinoAid™ by We Encourage
Oct 17, 2022
How Domestic Violence Affects Children
How Domestic Violence Affects Children
Children deserve to be children. They deserve to feel joy over small things, learn about the world around them and be curious. They deserve…
Emily Stamp
Jul 26, 2022
Happy 1st Birthday to our Aino Aid™️ Chatbot
Happy 1st Birthday to our Aino Aid™️ Chatbot
It has been a whole year of our current Aino Aid™️chatbot interacting with people all over the world. We are so proud of all the…
Emily Stamp
Jun 30, 2022
Dating After Domestic Violence
Dating After Domestic Violence
Leaving a relationship, even a violent one, can lead to a lack of stability in your life. Especially if it seems like all your friends and…
Emily Stamp
Jun 16, 2022
Why It Is Hard To Admit You’ve Experienced Domestic Violence
Why It Is Hard To Admit You’ve Experienced Domestic Violence
There are many forms of violence, and either you have experienced them or you haven’t, there is no ‘maybe’. So why is it so hard to admit?
Emily Stamp
May 24, 2022
The Value and True Cost of Housework
The Value and True Cost of Housework
For centuries housework has been undervalued due to class and gender roles. But how much does it really cost?
Emily Stamp
May 10, 2022
The Nature of Violence: Domestic Violence and War
The Nature of Violence: Domestic Violence and War
Warfare and domestic violence may not seem to have many parallels at face value. Yet there are threads of commonalities between the two.
Emily Stamp
Apr 26, 2022
How to Create a Safety Plan
How to Create a Safety Plan
It can be dangerous to leave a situation of domestic violence. It is the time when victims are at the most risk of homicide. Ideally…
Emily Stamp
Apr 12, 2022
What I wish I would have known when I started my journey from abusive relationship —…
What I wish I would have known when I started my journey from abusive relationship —…
I left an unsafe relationship almost 3 years ago. The years before that moment were difficult and traumatic. However, what happened…
AinoAid™ by We Encourage
Apr 5, 2022
21 women that are shaping the 21st century
21 women that are shaping the 21st century
Countless times history has shown that behind every successful man, lies a powerful woman, and now more than ever those women are visible…
AinoAid™ by We Encourage
Mar 31, 2022
Employers play a key role in breaking the taboo around domestic violence — Guest blog by Kati…
Employers play a key role in breaking the taboo around domestic violence — Guest blog by Kati…
Domestic abuse is a serious problem that touches the whole of society. Internationally, victims of domestic abuse use 30%-100% more social…
AinoAid™ by We Encourage
Mar 22, 2022
My Abuser Followed Me Around the House Threatening Me With a Gun — Domestic Violence Survivor…
My Abuser Followed Me Around the House Threatening Me With a Gun — Domestic Violence Survivor…
The night, November 1st 2017, I was beaten half to death by my ex-boyfriend. He kicked me, punched me, pistol-whipped me, and took the…
AinoAid™ by We Encourage
Mar 13, 2022
Can We Trust Chatbots?
Can We Trust Chatbots?
A lot of people don’t understand how technology works. Technological development has seemingly exploded at a rapid rate in just one…
Emily Stamp
Mar 1, 2022
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