Case Studies in F&B Industry: Marketing Solutions During Off-Season

WEBA International
Published in
4 min readFeb 6, 2020

Approaching off-season? In this case, we’ll show you how to boost your business during the off-season!

Seasonal peaks and lows are commonly seen in the F&B industry. The peaks definitely are the key period for sales; while in the low-season, businesses tend to slow down and prepare for the peak season. However, you can actually do something to boost your off-season sales. We are going to share the story from one of our clients, who runs ice-cream business and uses WEBA to increase sales and brand popularity in winter!

Business goals

The campaign was launched during Halloween, which is a rather low-seasoned time for frozen desserts. The brand is hoping to attract more customers and boost the popularity of their popsicles and ice-cream during low-season.

Marketing strategies

1. Social media sharing:

Through their Facebook fan page, the brand reached most of their followers and the campaign can easily be shared as well. People can log in and share the campaign through Line or Facebook to complete the mission.

2. Interactive lottery:

The Halloween-theme campaign contained an interactive Gashapon (or Capsule machine) as a lottery game. The prizes included “buy one get one free”, “50% off”, “Free desserts”, and other discounts that would attract customers to join the campaign.

3. Member get member:

Besides interactive lottery, customers can join member-get-member (MGM) to get free popsicles. The mission is to share the campaign with five friends and get free popsicles. The MGM mission not only expands the brand popularity but also lead the online customers to offline visit.

4. QR code redemption:

After the customers got the lottery prizes and/or MGM prizes, they will go to the offline stores and simply show the QR codes to redeem the prizes.

WEBA solutions

1. Enterprise Suite: Create a mobile website in minutes.

The brand created a mobile website with WEBA Enterprise Suite. To design a website, all they have to do is dragging and dropping text, image, set up the color, etc, and they can easily release an online campaign!

To create a website, drag and drop the content on the left “Add” area and set up in the right area.

2. Interaction Module: Build an online lottery.

The Halloween Capsule Machine is supported by WEBA Interaction Module. There are more than nine kinds of interactive elements to be selected. Design the appearance, set up prizes, winning possibilities, lottery limits and available duration, the online lottery is ready.

Select an interactive element from the left, and set up details in the right area.

For a detailed Interaction module introduction, please read Interaction Module: Get your Customer Engaged with Online Lottery!

3. MGM Module: Share for discounts or prizes.

Last but not least, WEBA Member Get Member (MGM) Module helped our clients to set up sharing challenges for their customers. Select the sharing rule, how many people to share (repeatable or non-repeatable), and whether they need to fill in the forms. In this case, they selected non-repeatable sharing challenge, their customers need to share to five friends (each of whom should only get shared once.)

Select “Member Get Member” on the left “Add” area, and set up details on the right.

For more MGM module details, please read this article: [Member-Get-Member] Your Customers, Your Super Marketers.

Campaign Results

The marketing campaign lasted for one month during the Halloween holidays. The campaign reached approximately 120K people, more than 65 people visited offline stores for redemption, and about 10K people joined MGM sharing challenge.

Catch up with the holidays, our client promoted their warm desserts as well as ice-cream! WEBA helps the brand to create an interactive website in the fastest way on their own, without complicated process or outsourcing. What’s more, campaign statistics would be collected in WEBA dashboard for our client to adjust and optimize marketing results!

Wondering how to complete your marketing campaigns faster and easier? Interested in detailed WEBA marketing solutions? Feel free to contact us or request a demo! For more client stories, marketing tips, and products, stay tuned to WEBA International!

