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The official Medium publication for the webpack open source project!
Note from the editor

The official Medium publication for the webpack open source project!

Go to the profile of Sean T. Larkin
Sean T. Larkin
@Webpack Core team & AngularCLI team. Program Manager @Microsoft @EdgeDevTools. Web Performance, JavaScripter, Woodworker, 🐓 Farmer, and Gardener!
Go to the profile of Johannes Ewald
Johannes Ewald
flexbox all the things
Go to the profile of Tobias Koppers
Go to the profile of Juho Vepsäläinen
Go to the profile of Kees Kluskens
Kees Kluskens
breaks things and fixes them again most of the time
Go to the profile of Even Stensberg
Go to the profile of Bhavir Shah
Bhavir Shah
Product Management @ Anarock
Go to the profile of Sebastian Deutsch
Sebastian Deutsch
Heavy tech nerd. Founder of 9elements. Loves to talk about startups & entrepreneurship.
Go to the profile of Addy Osmani
Addy Osmani
Head of Google Chrome Developer Experience
Go to the profile of Jacob Schatz
Jacob Schatz
Frontend Lead @gitlab
Go to the profile of ag-Grid
Enterprise Javascript Data Grid
Go to the profile of Sean Landsman
Sean Landsman
Lead Developer — Frameworks. Responsible for integrating all of ag-Grid’s supported frameworks (Angular, Vue, React etc)
Go to the profile of Niall Crosby
Niall Crosby
I am the CEO of ag-Grid. I have 15 years of experience building Enterprise applications before launching my own product ag-Grid Enterprise.
Go to the profile of Rich Harris
Rich Harris
Graphics editor, @nytimes investigations team. Open sourceror
Go to the profile of Tim Sebastian
Tim Sebastian
Something, something javascript at Atlassian // twitter @schnibl // github.com/timse // bitbucket.org/timse
Go to the profile of Devon Marisa Zuegel
Devon Marisa Zuegel
Blog moved to: devonzuegel.com • Twitter: twitter.com/devonzuegel
Go to the profile of Jeremias Menichelli
Jeremias Menichelli
Curious mind, developer and writer.
Go to the profile of Dale Anderson
Dale Anderson
Opinionated Thoughts on Software Engineering
Go to the profile of John Reilly
Go to the profile of Vivek Nayyar
Vivek Nayyar
Engineering Manager and Board game enthusiast
Go to the profile of sendilkumarn
🚶explorer, learner. Docendo discimus
Go to the profile of Even Stensberg
Go to the profile of Jevan Chan
Go to the profile of Dhruvdutt Jadhav
Dhruvdutt Jadhav
JS Engineer | GSoC 2018/19/20
Go to the profile of Vincent Chan
Vincent Chan
Web developer.
Go to the profile of Devid Farinelli
Go to the profile of Kirill Nagaitsev
Go to the profile of Nitin Kumar
Nitin Kumar
Full Stack Developer || Open Source Enthusiast