I love Jerk Chicken, its pretty good. I made some today, which was pretty good. Probably not the same flavor profile as you would have from a Jamaican restaurant, but I thought it was absolutely delicious. Reason why I’m saying this is I don’t have much to update about.

First Day Weight — 250.00 lbs

Latest Weight — 226.6

Age — 29

Video Version: https://youtu.be/VcDUSgDcCGw

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fastnao/

Day 000: https://medium.com/weight-loss-timeline/day-000-12-11-2022-weight-loss-timeline-b215a3c2ad0d

The Blog: https://medium.com/weight-loss-timeline

Reddit: reddit.com/r/weightlosstimeline



Weight Loss Timeline

An eccentric guy who wants to help people, both physically and mentally with his stories. :]