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Well to Write
Well to Write
Writing and Wellness: Your Story Starts Here
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Learn How to Keep It One Hundred by Reading Toni Morrison’s New Yorker Essay

I was talking to a friend about writing and keeping it one hundred. She said, “Did you read Toni Morrison’s New Yorker essay about work? Talk about keeping it one hundred.”

5 Tips to Make Meditation Easier

I’ve been trying to meditate on and off over the past seven years, but I’ve never been able to keep it up. At work, my boss organized mindfulness classes for the team. (My workplace is amazing.) After just one session, I’ve been able to get past my thoughts of “what am I…

10 Healing Ways to Spend 15 Minutes

Yesterday, I sat in my apartment wondering: what can I do during these turbulent times? How can I contribute and take action from where I am in the world that creates results? I settled on donating money to the ACLU and writing to my member of parliament and to the…

Make Writing a Choice, Not a Chore

This is a great time of year to make a commitment to your craft, but if you’ve been having writer’s block this may be the wrong decision. Rather than resolving to write, choose to give yourself a break for all of January. I mean it. You are not a bad person if you…