WeCard, the evolution of Personal Cards.

Welook is bringing a cool new addition that will allow anyone to easily share their contact details, tickets to events, social profiles, and other NFTs.

Published in
5 min readNov 9, 2022


We’re going to tell you a secret. We’re not here for the tech, we’re here for the people.

Our vision is to bring back ownership to people. Building a decentralized internet that will bring better human interactions.

We’re committed to empowering people to find true ownership in a way that feels seamless, simple, and fun. And we believe it begins with social media. That’s why we’ve built Welook — a web3 social platform that enables both users and organizations to discover and navigate the blockchain-based internet.

We’re launching a new product today: WeCard !

WeCard is a personal card that allows you to access token-gated real-life experiences. It’s also a POAP dispenser, it can share contact details and validate NFTs as your web3 passport. With a WeCard, you won’t have to show your wallet connected to the phone anymore, you can keep all your keys safe in another place.

But this is about more than just a new product for us — it’s about the future of identity.

How does it work, where can you get it and why is it important ? We’ll answer that in the next lines. ⤵️

For anyone who has already been stepping into the crypto space, it’s not a revelation that the onboarding experience is awful, the ecosystem UX seems broken and the complexity is high.

Interacting with Defi protocols and NFT projects reveal too much of your assets, and your real identity is not fully reflected on-chain.

“Identity and social interaction in web3 is extremely important if we believe this will replace the current Facebook, Twitter, etc. If you have a private key to your assets, shouldn’t you have a private key to your own identity as well?

There is growing interest in building the tools to support a new paradigm of identity, and blockchain tech has been working on zero-knowledge tech to enable reliable proof while keeping privacy private. Yet, every solution is too tech-y and complex for the average joe. We have to make sure and reinforce that products must be simple, fun, and seamless for everyone.

That’s where Welook comes in: our product is a web3 social platform, where you can have a seamless, simple, and fun social experience. We’ve been working hard on it for months and we’re excited to finally show it off.

The WeCard is launching this week at LABITCONF in Buenos Aires.

WeCard is a physical card that allows its holders to easily share their POAP and social networks (Telegram, Twitter, Website) via a simple “tap-scan”. Leveraging NFC technology, the WeCard allows you to easily share custom personal information by holding your card close and letting people scan it.

The WeCard comes to revolutionize the way we interact face-to-face, share contact information, deliver and receive benefits, gain access to events, and much more!

WeCard makes it easier for you to connect with people in an exciting new way.

“WeCard makes it easier for you to connect with people in an exciting new way.”

A common use case for the WeCard is to prove ownership of an event’s NFT ticket, without having your crypto wallet connected to your phone. Thanks to NFC technology, the card works as a validation access key to experiences and events. You will no longer need to open a file on your phone or connect your crypto wallet to apps to get verified.

The verification via the NFC chip is specific to data calls, whether it needs to validate a wallet address, the NFT ownership of a unique item, or its token balance. It can pull information from different URLs allowing you to share your personal contact information, and also work as a POAP dispenser.

How does WeCard work?

Just by bringing the card closer to the phone, a “tap” near the NFC antenna receiver (usually near the back camera) will be enough to let the phone scan the data from the card. That can make it practical for a personal POAP drop (or any you define) and deliver an URL link pointing at relevant contact information after a formal meeting or social gathering.

WeCard creates a way to interact with others, sharing NFTs and your data in a secure, fast, and easy fashion.

How to get your WeCard?

First, we will give out the card for free as a bnft (tokenized benefit). To claim the BNFT that will later be redeemable for the physical card, you must meet a set of requirements that will be communicated through Welook’s social media in the following days. (https://twitter.com/welook_io)

On Friday, November 10th, at LABITCONF blockchain event, the first batch of cards was handed out at Welook’s booth.

We’ve been working hard in developing and integrating the WeCard into the social web app. It will help you manage your digital identity in a way that doesn’t rely on third parties or other centralized sources.

We said it before: This is about people. It’s all about You.

About us

Onboarding people to web3 is complex. It’s hard to find your way around the new technology and its many different platforms. We believe that if you’re going to be using web3 for social interactions — whether it’s for business or personal reasons — it should be simple. That’s why we’ve developed Welook: a social network that makes it easy for users to understand how everything works and feel comfortable using the platform from day one.

We want to make sure we’re building on top of technologies that will support the next generation of social interactions. We want a platform that puts people first, and where they can choose to be their best selves.

“ It’s amazing to bring the WeCard to people, giving them access back to their own data, and the ability to share this data with anyone they choose”

It’s not just about a new way of doing things — it’s about a NEW WAY OF BEING!

Talk to us!

Email: agency@welook.io
Twitter: @welook_io
Discord: https://discord.gg/welook



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Web3 Social Platform | Building the future of NFTs 🧱🔧