Go to Wildcat - A POV
Wildcat - A POV
Wildcat invests in early stage B2B & B2B2C startups leveraging key technologies such as Machine Learning/AI, IoT, and Cloud & Mobility in the following markets: Digital Health, EdTech, Enterprise SaaS, and FinTech.
Note from the editor

Wildcat Venture Partners invests in early stage entrepreneurs building systems of intelligence that enable companies to prospect, refine and monetize data — digital oil. These entrepreneurs and their companies will become the market disruptors and industry leaders of the First Intelligence Age. Wildcat focuses on startups leveraging key technologies such as Machine Learning/AI, IoT, Cloud & Mobility, Augmented/Virtual Reality and Blockchain. We are specifically interested in teams applying these technologies in the following markets: Consumer, Digital Health, EdTech, Enterprise SaaS, FinTech, Marketing Technology, and Marketplaces. While we will opportunistically invest in later stage companies, Wildcat’s strategic investment interest is in companies that are currently entering or in the Traction Gap™.

Go to the profile of Wildcat Venture Partners
Wildcat Venture Partners
A venture capital firm investing in early stage B2B & B2B2C tech startups. For more info visit http://wildcat.vc/
Go to the profile of Nathaniel Krasnoff
Nathaniel Krasnoff
Budding Venture Capitalist, Lifelong Learner, Traveler, Eater….
Go to the profile of Geoffrey Moore
Go to the profile of Bruce Cleveland
Bruce Cleveland
Founding Partner @ Wildcat Venture Partners focusing on B2B investments in AI, MarTech, EdTech, and SaaS.
Go to the profile of David Baeza
David Baeza
@DavidBaeza is CEO at Buttered Toast, a marketing agency that works with venture backed tech startups. Entrepreneur and speaker.