When you publish a book of letters about running companies

Today marks the launch of Dear Founder, a project that started as a half-baked idea in early 2016, and quickly spiraled into one of the most rewarding and personal projects I’ve gotten to collaborate on in my eight years in…

Koan: world-class management practices, made easy

Today is a very special day, and I’m so excited for the world to get to see and experience Koan. It’s software purpose-built to help managers and teams communicate and run better, in a way that works well and is, somehow, actually pretty fun…

Early lessons from investing in Legion

Our team was thrilled to see Legion’s launch and Series A announcement last week. Sanish has been quietly working on this company for 18 months, and it has been a pleasure getting to know him and the Legion team through WIN Labs¹ and later as a seed investment…

Three things Ironclad did well from seed to A. Or, Ironclad: layin’ down the law.

As you might have seen last week, Ironclad formally announced its Series A raise with Accel, and we couldn’t be happier to see this team hit this milestone. Since 2015, Jason and Cai have…

Webb Investment Network
Webb Investment Network
WIN is a seed-stage VC that gives founders access to some of Silicon Valley's greatest operators. winfunding.com
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