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Habit Building

Wisdom || Courage
Wisdom || Courage
Wisdom to inform action, courage to take it
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The key to a good routine

Change is hard. As posted recently (here), it takes some attention to adjust our default behaviors. We don’t just change because we intend to. One helpful way to attack personal change is to address our routines.

Be a failure

So here’s a question, why do we love motionso much? If motion isn’t what moves us forward, if it’s more like wasted time than…

Motion vs Action

I read Atomic Habitsby James Clear a little while back. The book is packed with helpful insights, a highly recommended read. One…

Habit Disruption

Full disclosure, I’ve been reading Atomic Habitsby James Clear, which is hard to over-sell (it’s really good), and this writeup includes ideas I’ve gleaned there.

Clear structures the book in a really helpful and practical way. He deals with both the creation of good…