About Wise & Well: A Health and Wellness Publication on Medium

Science-backed healthy insights you can use to improve your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Without all the hype.

Robert Roy Britt
Wise & Well


Health and wellness news and information is a jumble of good and bad, current and outdated, helpful and dangerous. Meanwhile, the healthcare system is broken, drug companies peddle sometimes dangerous meds that often don’t work as marketed, and the food industry profits handsomely off highly processed stuff we wouldn’t feed our dogs.

Figuring out what health information to digest and what to eschew can induce the very stress and anxiety we might wish to tamp down.

That’s why on June 1, 2023, I launched thus publication, Wise & Well, offering science-backed insights into smart and healthy behaviors and choices to cultivate physical fitness, mental wellness, emotional resilience and, ultimately, a wee bit more happiness. Without all the hype.

Our Mission: Science-backed insights into health, wellness and wisdom, to help you make tomorrow a little better than today.

Wise & Well is a No-AI publication. Our stories are written by humans with real expertise and lived experience.

Wise & Well is a NO-AI publication. (Learn about this public domain logo.)

As an invited participant in Medium’s recently launched Boost Nomination Pilot Program, Wise & Well examines the latest breakthroughs and proven wellness strategies, with deep dives into human physiology, biology, neurology and psychology — the stuff that makes us wonderfully human yet also vexes us now and then. The publication exists to serve you, by being a hub for diverse writers of compelling, helpful and credible news, features and instructive life stories.

[Call for Writers]

Wise & Well leans into healthy lifestyles and behaviors recognized by researchers and health experts as mutually reinforcing pillars of overall well-being. Think of the powerful combination as lifestyle medicine that can help lower your odds of needing traditional medicine. Modest improvement on any one of these pillars of good health has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, boost memory and the ability to think clearly, and help prevent disease and reduce symptoms of chronic ailments. Making small strides in one can facilitate improvement in the others, cultivating a positive cycle of better health and life satisfaction.

Promoting healthy behaviors is just part of the mission. Through a skeptical lens, Wise & Well debunks health myths and misconceptions and challenges unsupported claims and exaggerations by big-business marketers and outright hucksters. All the while, we put our trust in solid science but recognize that it’s never perfect, always evolving, rarely one-size-fits-all.

Here are Topic Pages that hold some of the topics we write a lot about:

Why me? After more than three decades reporting for and editing science and health publications for media companies large and small, and 4+ years writing about health on Medium, I’m excited to pour my energy into a full-blown health-focused Medium publication, where the absence of advertising means the only relationship that matters is the one between readers and writers. For the record, I run, bike, do yoga, practice mindfulness, and fail every day to do any of these things as well or as diligently as I ought to (my bio).

As founder and editor, I will be selective in what’s published, curating quality over quantity and providing editing help to make it so. Our growing team of writers includes dieticians, yoga and fitness coaches, scientists, psychologists, medical doctors and journalists.

My promise to you: Wise & Well will feature thought-provoking writing that’s actionable and motivational, to help you put newfound smarts and intention into making tomorrow a little better than today. To that end, we strive for accuracy and transparency. We don’t allow any AI-generated writing nor author pseudonyms. We’re a bunch of real people with a knack for interpreting and explaining things while learning how to make our way in this crazy world, too. — Rob



Robert Roy Britt
Wise & Well

Editor of Aha! and Wise & Well on Medium + the Writer's Guide at writersguide.substack.com. Author of Make Sleep Your Superpower: amazon.com/dp/B0BJBYFQCB