Wit.ai will delete all Facebook login linked wit.ai accounts on September 1

In April, we announced and sent several emails to you that all Facebook-linked wit.ai accounts are being deleted and the need to migrate to a Meta account to continue to access your wit.ai account and…

Minority Report vs. Her

Have you seen Her? Interestingly enough, the genre of this movie is officially science fiction romantic comedy ‐ a clever attempt to address the problem of couples trying to find something to watch together? but that’s out of the scope of this blog.

Guest Post

Wit.ai participated in a number of hackathons this fall and we saw tons of cool hacks using the Wit.ai API. One of our favorites was from Hack the North at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. Team Home Ease won our API prize for their voice controlled microwave and toaster oven project. Hackers…

Messenger Built-In NLP

We are excited to announce 3 updates to Built-In NLP. A few months ago, we released Built-in NLP with the Messenger Platform 2.1 to make it easier for developers to leverage the Wit NLP API when building for Messenger. Built-In NLP allows developers to get default entities (thanks, bye…

Wit.ai makes it easy for developers to build applications and devices that you can talk or text to. Our vision is to empower developers with an open and extensible natural language platform. We'll use this blog to share news, feature announcements and stories from our community.
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