Witnet Monthly Report — January 2019

James Ryan Moreau
The Witnet Oracle Blog
3 min readFeb 6, 2019

Developer updates and more from the Witnet Team

If this is your first time visiting our monthly updates, welcome! For some general background on Witnet and our technology, please read this 3 minute primer, take a look at our whitepaper, or check out our project’s “must-reads” digest.

🔧 The #WitnetTestnet Has Launched!

January was a historic month for us as we ironed out details for the testnet launch. We felt fortunate to be surrounded by our friends and community supporters debuting the testnet to the public on Wednesday, January 30th during an after-party we thew on the final night of AraCon in Berlin.

For the event, we brought the entire 12 person Witnet team to Berlin from their respective locations in Spain and the USA. As more than 200 guests looked on, our tech-lead Adan had the honors of spinning up the first data request demo, showing the local Berlin crowd just how frigid the temperatures were being reported.

In addition, we shared a refreshed version of the Sheikah UX. giving a deeper idea of how we are approaching user experience in connection with the more technical aspects of data requesters and witnesses.

We’re still absorbing the accomplishment of getting here as fast as we did and we are incredibly proud of the hard work our team put in to making sure we hit our promised deadline of Q1 2019 with time to spare.

What’s next? As we enter the post-testnet era, we have our eyes set on conditional payments, an Ethereum bridge, a production ready Sheikah interface and then ultimately a mainnet launch in late 2019. A longer, more detailed blog post an all of this is forthcoming.

Open Source Contributors:

Are you interested in contributing to the development of Witnet-rust? We would be thrilled to have you! Visit our new contributing guide and development guide for more info!

We are also extremely interested and receptive to anyone curious about building a separate implementation of the Witnet-rust. Have a favorite language you’d like to try to build Witnet with? Let us know and we’ll be happy to support you!

💜 Team

We gained a talented new Junior Javascript Dev named Sara who joined us shortly after completing her Iron Hack developer bootcamp. We’ll have an interview of Sara coming up shortly and are looking forward to sharing her unique background with the community.

We also are sadly wishing our amazing community manager, friend (and now, entrepreneur) Jose a fond farewell as he is heading to California to attend the BoostVC accelerator class with his newly formed project Guesser. Jose has been invaluable as a team member promoting the grand vision of Witnet and has produced some of our best content to date. We are sure Jose is going to achieve great things with Guesser and beyond and we are truly excited for his accomplishments to come.

The Witnet Foundation has open positions for Rust/blockchain developers, so if you are aware of the impact a decentralized oracle network will have on the blockchain landscape and want to get involved, be sure to check them out and get in touch!

You can follow Witnet on Twitter and stay up to date on our blog.

