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Public Speaking

Women Talk Design
Women Talk Design
Women Talk Design elevates the best talks about design from women and nonbinary speakers, and empowers event organizers with tools, approaches, and information to engage more diverse speakers.
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Get Paid to Speak

Women Talk Design is on a mission to see a more diverse group of speakers on stage. We elevate women and nonbinary speakers and

Breaking down a CFP

Written by Alexis Wong

If you’re thinking of applying to speak at a conference, chances are, the organizers have created a basic criteria for acceptance or Call For Proposals. Because the scope and focus of conferences (and sheer number of them out there) can be both…

Tips for Crafting Your Bio

Written by Alexis Wong

Crafting a professional bio, for many of us, can be an incredibly daunting task. How could one person, with a lifetime of experiences try to boil down their existence into a meaningful 20–200 words? Equally important, how can someone…