How To Search For Unsplash Images The Right Way

Stop using the same image over and over again.

ArtisKev Ngo
Word Garden


Photo by Desola Lanre-Ologun on Unsplash

Read the non-member version here.

There is a subtle crisis among Medium writers that you may not realize you are in, and it has to do with thousands of Unsplash photos being overused in articles and blog posts.

It’s convenient and all to have a free gallery of photos right in your draft to choose from, but they do get ubiquitously boring when the same photos just appear again for certain keywords (like “writing”)

Screenshot by Author

Some writers deal with this by giving overused Unsplash images a small tweak in colors and composition; some even go all out and draw themselves a headline image, which is my dream to be able to do.

Not many of us here are photo editors or illustrators, but many want to take a reasonable amount of time focusing on choosing a working headline for their posts.

That’s why it’s important to be creative in how you search for images on Unsplash; perhaps being more patient, giving your search term a little tweak, or even showing a story out of it.



ArtisKev Ngo
Word Garden

Immigrant | Undergrad | SAD Survivor. Entering my 20s with no friends while trying to make sense of this foreign land, I find my voice and comfort in writing.