30 Posts in 30 Days Challenge

I Got 55 New Followers in 2 Weeks On Medium

The question is: Will I quadruple my views by March?

Anton the Writer
Word Garden


Photo by Gilly on Unsplash

16 days ago I started my 30-day challenge on Medium to prove to myself I could post every day, double my follower count, and have fun while doing that.

50% of my challenge is done. Yay!

Let’s see the stats for the first two weeks.

Authors screenshot

The Stats

I started my challenge on January 26th. Here is how my account grew in 15 days:

  • Followers: 55 new followers
  • Email subscribers: 4 new!
  • Views total: 197
  • Reads total: 101
  • Total read ratio: 51.27%
January stats. Authors screenshot

While both the number of views and reads seem similar for January and February, they are not. It’s February 10th and we still have 19 days left to go!

Can I hit 500 views and 200 reads at the end of February? 🤔

February stats. Authors screenshot

My Successes

Generally, I can see that my longer pieces generate more engagement and better read ratios. All of my long movie reviews have really good stats but another story takes the cake.

Most successful story:

I guess lots of us are unemployed? Link to story. Authors screenshot

Least successful story:

Link to story. Authors screenshot

This was a more experimental approach with me rambling about poetry and paintings. I had a blast writing it and will surely return to forms like that in the future, even if they aren’t winning most audiences.

Highest number of claps:

Link to story. Authors screenshot.

Highest read ratio:

Link to story. Authors screenshot

Bottom Line

Honestly, this is going much better than expected.

Showing up every day and creating a story from scratch is a feeling I don’t want to miss now. I am getting better at crafting headlines and structuring my pieces, and I am starting to learn the Oxford comma, my nemesis (haha).

Thanks to all for stopping by!

Hang around, we have exciting things lined up.

These AI pics are hit or miss. Image created using Night Cafe AI

Did you like my stats recap? Did ya? Well let me know:

  1. Follow my Medium account for daily content
  2. Leave a comment and share your stats with me
  3. Buy me a coffee. Coffee helps to deal with numbers 🧮

Thanks, and see you tomorrow! ❤️✍🏻

Part of my Medium challenge — 30 Posts in 30 Days

Day 16/30



Anton the Writer
Word Garden

Senior Copywriter, film lover, plant dad and baker. Here to share thoughts & opinions on current movies and other non-fictional writing of mine. Welcome!