Nine Insanely Tiny Ways to Have Fascinating Fun in Daily Life

Without spending a lot

Writer's Dream
Word Garden
4 min readJun 30, 2024


A white flower facing the sun.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Splash a dash of color, fall, get up, cry when you feel sad, rejoice a bit — have fun instead of turning life into a monotonous routine.

A few years ago, my definition of fun was to hang out with friends and family in happening places. I imagined fun to fill the weekend with long drives and eating out.

You must also have similar concepts of having fun. It is usual(that’s what I knew until life taught me otherwise).

However, life had different plans for me. For the last two years, I have been living alone in a new city and having a boring weekend.

Initially, I cried and felt sad. But, I realized nobody would help me unless I helped myself to find happiness by transforming the present situation to my advantage. Thus, my journey began to hunt for a tiny fun time in mundane days.

Here is a list of tiny mindset shifts to have fun in daily life(without elaborate arrangements)

#1. Soaking in the morning sun

Recently, I have started getting the morning sun right after waking up.

My body and eyes are sleepy, and my mind is dreamy. However, slowly, I open the door and head out to the sun.

It’s like hugging the benevolent universe. It slowly starts my day.

After researching its benefits, I found a few lesser-known gifts about the morning sun.

Action step:

Wake up a few minutes earlier than your usual time.

#2. Experimenting with cooking

Two years ago, I did not know about cooking.

Now, I can prepare a few simple dishes.

  • The spices go wrong
  • The salt quantity is always inappropriate

But I still enjoy the process of cooking.

Like a child, I eagerly wait to check how the recipe has turned out.

Action step:

Start with simple ingredients and give credit to yourself for achieving the tiniest goal.

#3. Having evening tea

That feeling of having lived one day and stepping into the evening while sipping my favorite flavored tea is surreal.

I like to watch the dusk when the birds flock back to their nest against the retiring sun.

Action step:

Take some out of your day to watch the sunset, and thank the universe for helping you run the day.

#4. Feeling tired after a hectic day

Doing nothing for a few days makes me realize the importance of a hectic day.

There is strange fun and satisfaction to feeling tired after a busy day.

It feels like life is happening.

Action step:

When you feel demotivated to start the day, remember that you will miss the fun of enjoying the evening after a hectic day.

The fun of relaxation will not be there if there is no hard work.

#5. Writing

I write daily. It’s like offloading my thoughts.

When I started writing, I did not know about monetization. As I wrote more, I learned about different writing techniques and creativity.

It’s exhilarating to play around with the immense creativity hidden in writing.

Action step:

Start writing.

Don’t try to figure out anything (like why to write, what to achieve, or how to monetize it).

Everything will reveal itself in due time.

#6. Spending weekends with hobbies

For the last few weeks, I have created a rule for myself to spend the weekend doing whatever I love to do.

It includes all my favorite hobbies.

Trust me, it’s super fun to spend the weekend this way.

At the end of the weekend, it rejuvenates me to start the week.

Action step:

Figure out your favorite hobby and start doing it for a few minutes on the weekend.

If you don’t know where to start, here’s a list.

The idea is to create something with your imagination.

#7. Being curious about my mind

My journey of writing 500+ content pieces shows me the various states of mind I had during the process.

How many of you are exactly sure of what YOU want?

95% of what we want is a by-product of somebody else’s wishes.

Spend some time knowing what makes you happy.

Action step:

Do morning pages.

It’s transferring all the thoughts into the paper without any filter.

After a few days/months of writing, you will figure out your North Star.

#8. Doing nothing

Staying alone for two years has taught me many things.

Out of all the lessons, the fun of doing nothing is astonishing.

Sometimes, I drop everything I do and stare at the sky and the trees.

This activity sounds stupid but try this once.

  • It rejuvenates the mind
  • You create time to appreciate nature

Action step:

After every 1–2 hours, get away from your task and try to be near nature.

You can go to the balcony, terrace or the nearby park.

#9. Practicing lagom

It’s a Swedish concept of maintaining balance in everything we do.

I deliberately don’t write on the weekends. This time is totally for me. I enjoy every moment that I get to spend the way I want.

Here are a few other ways I maintain balance in every activity.

  • No social media in the first few hours of the day
  • Finishing all the writing before 4 pm
  • Meditation before ending the day
  • Taking 5–10 minutes break after every 60–90 minutes
  • Eating outside food 1–2 times every three months

Action Step:

Whatever you love to do, don’t overdo it. Otherwise, you will lose the fun.

In the relentless pursuit of searching for happiness, we forget the treasure of joy that the universe has already given us.

Sometimes, we should pause frequently and slow down to be at peace with ourselves.

At that point, we stop looking outside for comfort. We turn inwards.

Thank you for reading! If you like my writing, click here for a FREE ebook on developing daily writing habits.

