How My Medium Article Got 1.92K Views from Google for FREE (The Reason Behind This Was Shocking!)

Sweta Sharma
Write A Catalyst
Published in
8 min readJun 15, 2024


(Try this method if you’re worrying about more reach.)

  • Getting organic traffic is hard.
  • It takes a lot of time to get ranked on Google.

Have you also heard these types of phrases before?

I’ve heard a lot of them😊!

And, no wonder you’re also hearing these types of phrases right NOW, especially after the Google Core Update 2024.

But, as per my experience — getting ranked on any platform is still possible, despite the level of competition and content available online.

The only thing that makes it POSSIBLE is — quality.

Quality is the only thing that helps you get traction on social media platforms.

I think it’s a must, especially if you’re in this game with a long-term vision.

I’ve realized this one thing in my journey as a content creator.

Whether it’s crossing 75 Million Impressions on Pinterest or Crossing my First 1K Followers on Medium, everything nails down to this one simple thing — provide value to your audience and they’ll take care of you🙌

Around 3 months ago, I wrote an article on my Medium account named :

6 Tested Ways to Make Money with Printify That Can Fill Your Wallet (I’ve Already Made 100$ — Still Counting!).

Yesterday, while browsing through the Medium Analytics Section I saw that this article got 1.9k views only from Google.

That’s FREE organic traffic!

Here are the stats for proof⬇️

Traffic Source of One of my Medium Articles

Not only that, but when I searched for the keywords ‘Make Money Online with Printify,’ my article ranked on the first page of Google.

Have a look at the snapshot!

My Article Being Ranked on the First Page of Google

You know what’s more fascinating?

You can achieve these results too with a smart content strategy tweak.

All you need to do is to follow a POA i.e. Plan of Action, as I refer to it!

It goes like this⬇️

1. Follow the Rules of the Game

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.” — Pablo Picasso

Photo by Andrey Metelev on Unsplash

The quote stated above clearly indicates the need to know the ins and outs of anything that you want to excel in.

Quality writing, just like any other thing follows a set of rules and you’ve to follow those rules if you want to rank higher.

Optimizing your content for search engines like Google is one of those rules and undoubtedly the most important one.

In simple terms, optimizing your content means, improving it to achieve better results.

This includes using the right keywords, structuring it well, and ensuring it meets the needs of your audience.

Photo by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash

While writing the headlines, headings, and sub-headings of your blogs, try to be as optimized as possible.

Try these simple things :

  • Use Relevant Keywords: Keywords are super important!

Incorporate relevant keywords naturally into your headlines and headings.

This helps search engines understand the topic of your content and improves your chances of ranking for those terms.

  • Be Clear and Concise: Ensure your headings accurately reflect the content of your blog while being clear and easy to understand for readers.
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

For example, in my blog titled “6 Tested Ways to Make Money with Printify That Can Fill Your Wallet (I’ve Already Made $100 — Still Counting!),” the headline is clear and concise.

It tells readers exactly what they can expect from the article.

Additionally, it includes a personal touch with my own success story of earning $100, which adds credibility and entices readers to learn more.

  • Include Numbers or Trigger Words: Numbers (e.g., ‘4 Tips,’ ‘Top 10’) and trigger words (e.g., ‘Ultimate Guide,’ ‘Essential Tips) in your blog headlines can attract attention and increase click-through rates.
Photo by Markus Krisetya on Unsplash

Let me repeat the example mentioned above⬆️.

In my blog heading, the number ‘6’ tells readers they’ll learn six practical strategies.

The words ‘Tested’ and ‘Make Money’ emphasize reliability and profitability.

The combo of both makes it look great and also helps with SEO!

  • Use Hierarchy and Formatting: Organize your content with a clear hierarchy using H1 for main headlines, H2 for major sections, and H3 for sub-sections.
Photo by Marissa Grootes on Unsplash

This improves readability and helps search engines understand the structure of your content.

Previously while writing my blogs, I didn’t pay that much attention to formatting, but as I’m growing as a writer, I’m understanding the importance of the right formatting.

You should also start formatting your content in the right manner.

  • Appeal to Emotions: Humans are emotional beings!
Photo by Lidya Nada on Unsplash

We all understand this fact, but do you apply this psychological principle when crafting your blog headings?

Emotional headlines can significantly impact reader engagement and retention.

Try to create a heading that evokes some kind of emotion in your target readers.

Be it curiosity, excitement, or empathy.

2. Write Like It’s your Final Content Piece

Writing as if it’s your final piece is about giving it your all.

When you treat each piece of content as your best chance to connect with your audience, you focus on doing thorough research, writing clearly, and telling engaging stories as much as possible.

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

At least, I try to do so.

I approach every article as if it’s the one that will go viral and explode my Medium page traffic. (I know it may not happen every time, but this mindset fuels my writing process and keeps me motivated🙂.)

Write a compelling intro.

Basically, follow the 5-Seconds Rule.

Think, you’ve only 5 seconds to hook your readers.

Now, draft your introduction in such a way that it immediately captures your readers’ attention.

Begin with a question that makes them think, a surprising fact, or a relatable story.

Photo by Vadim Bogulov on Unsplash

Once, you have the attention of your reader, unfold everything step-by-step.

Don’t sound like a PhD!

It doesn’t work that way.

Keep your language simple, conversational, and to the point.

Value your reader's time and they’ll value your efforts📌

When you’re done writing, edit your content.

Follow Esther Freud’s advice :

“Editing is everything. Cut until you can cut no more.”

3. Social Proof Works Like Magic!

Believe it or not, in the crowded world of the internet, social proof can make a huge difference in standing out!

Do you know why?

It’s because people are more likely to believe someone who has walked the talk and shown real results.

Photo by Ronda Dorsey on Unsplash

When you showcase real success stories or evidence that backs up your claims, it builds trust and credibility.

Let me explain this with an example:

I’m a Pinterest creator and I claim in my blog that I’ve achieved over 75 million impressions on my Pinterest profile without showing any proof.

Chances are there that most of the people won’t believe my story.

The reason is simple — I’m not giving them solid proof that I’ve achieved these massive results.

Instead, if I add a snapshot showing my Pinterest analytics, they will believe me.

Author’s Pinterest Analytics

You also need to do the same.

If you’ve some social proofs, include them in your blog, so as to get the trust of your potential readers.

The more trust you build, the bigger the clan and the bigger the traffic!

Final Thoughts🎯

Give these three strategies a try: stay consistent, focus on delivering value consistently, and you’ll see success for sure! 😊

See you in the next value-packed article.

Till then, keep learning, and keep growing!

Hey, pals! 👋 I’m Sweta — An Editor Turned Digital Content Creator.

If you’re on the lookout for content related to Passive Income, Digital Marketing, AI, etc. tap that ‘Follow’ button and be a part of my amazing community.

It feels great to have awesome people on the team❤️

PS: I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!

Feel free to drop a comment or message. Your input makes this journey even more special. 🌟



Sweta Sharma
Write A Catalyst

Hey, I'm Sweta🙌 an editor turned content creator. I'm here to help you create, grow, and monetize🚀Join the Clan ➡️