Go to Write to Vote Project
Write to Vote Project
Write to advance democracy. Amplify your voice. Defend voting rights.
Note from the editor

The Write to Vote Project helps college students begin, finish, and publish a short essay on voting and voting rights, broadly defined. W2V was started two years ago by faculty and students across the country concerned about the state of American democracy. The non-partisan Brennan Center for Justice has found that since 2020, at least 356 restrictive bills were introduced in 47 states making it harder for eligible Americans to cast their ballots. These laws disproportionately affect the voting rights of communities of color, as well as those of college students, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. What can you do about all this? Join the Write to Vote Project and make your voice heard! College student voices matter!

Go to the profile of Ryan Skinnell
Ryan Skinnell
I know stuff about rhetoric and Nazis. Writer, speaker, professor, burrito aficionado. Public Voices Fellow w/TheOpEdProject www.RyanSkinnell.com ~views mine~
Go to the profile of William Duffy
William Duffy
I write and teach about rhetoric, ethics, and technical communication
Go to the profile of John Duffy
John Duffy
I’m a prof at the University of Notre Dame.
Go to the profile of Julianne Downing
Go to the profile of Gretchen Busl
Go to the profile of William Duffy
William Duffy
I write and teach about rhetoric, ethics, and technical communication
Go to the profile of Ryan Skinnell
Ryan Skinnell
I know stuff about rhetoric and Nazis. Writer, speaker, professor, burrito aficionado. Public Voices Fellow w/TheOpEdProject www.RyanSkinnell.com ~views mine~
Go to the profile of John Duffy
John Duffy
I’m a prof at the University of Notre Dame.
Go to the profile of Julianne Downing
Go to the profile of Zachary Geiger
Zachary Geiger
Junior at the University of Notre Dame studying Political Science and Theology. Writer for the Notre Dame chapter of the Write to Vote Project.
Go to the profile of Gretchen Busl
Go to the profile of Morgan Pulliam