A Liberating Writing Message

To fellow writers who feel resistance when starting.

Writers’ Blokke
4 min readFeb 3, 2022


man reading (perhaps a writer) bathing in the ocean or a lake with a booklet in his hand, relaxed, not stressed
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

I’m writing these words with barely any breaks during typing on the keyboard for the first time in a while. They flow out. It sounds simple, but it feels so good! I have only removed one paragraph so far. That’s little for me. Haha, that’s amusing because this is now the first paragraph. Oh, I’ve also changed the title a couple of times. But oh well.

What I’m trying to do here is to loosen up the tight strings that I sometimes feel when writing.

In my mind, the stories sound so complete, full, funny, flowing, engaging, and exciting. Do you recognize that?

When I start to write in the editor on Medium, fog shows up in my mind. Writing becomes less transparent, less open, less free. Words get blocked before they reach my fingers. I am overthinking it.

What should be where? What’s the introduction, core, conclusion? Where does what part of the story begin?

Does it even matter?

If I indeed write like the method in this post, why do I then still think about paragraphs, grammar, the Best Possible Synonyms, titles, dotted lines, and all that? If I write for the sake of writing, does it matter how exactly the story is ‘designed’?

In this story, I state that’s not what counts.

But apparently, something inside me does think it matters. That’s because this is the first time in my life that you read my writing. And I care about what my stories convey to you.

Some stories will resonate, and some stories won’t. And that’s perfectly fine. We can’t make a home run every time.

Via writing, I learn to translate myself better, my experiences, emotions. I believe that via writing I come more and more in touch with myself. Fuck, that’s beautiful.

It is possible. I know that. Because I’m feeling it right now.

And so far I’ve barely overthought my words in this post, as you may notice while reading. Or maybe not. Maybe it reads exactly the same. That’d be funny. All the overthinking creates more stress and it doesn’t have a positive effect on the writing quality.


But reflecting on what we do, understanding what’s happening, looking back, giving ourselves feedback, taking other people’s feedback in, that’s what creates change, right?

Wait.. doing both is possible.

Publishing online is basically an infinite feedback loop. Writing, pressing the publish button, reading, processing, repeat.

Writing these words so far happened in a split second. They’re loose. It feels like playing the piano even though I never play the piano.

I’m sure writing loose words like these can resonate. Often, overediting kills a story. The overthinking stuff.

That reminds me of art school. I studied photography at a crazy competitive academy. We had hours and hours of classes on how to edit a picture, have exactly the right light settings, and kill your favorite prints. After a while, I couldn’t photograph freely no more. The theory of compositions, must-dos, and must-don’ts were rushing through my mind when I picked up the camera.

Is the same now happening with writing?

I realize that writing is precisely what can me help get rid of those intrusive thoughts. It helps me to get in touch with my creativity again. To break the high wall that got built around me whenever I create. To notice that wall is there in the first place.

I know how liberating, easy-flowing, and comforting writing can be. Other people sharing their experiences of writing posts within 20–30 minutes confirm it — writing those must have felt amazing!

Writing this felt amazing. Now I’m thrilled to write more.

With all my heart, I wish you the same.

Allow words to flow to your fingers. Let the process of writing be your teacher.

Writing can serve us and bring us closer to ourselves. Before you know it your own words will happily surprise you and the written story is worded even better than it is in your head ❤

Thank you for reading, you’re the best.

Have a lovely day!

Two more stories on writing for you:

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Writers’ Blokke

Applied psychologist in training. Strives to improve mental health and sleep quality to boost your well-being.