Here’s To the Goal of 100 Followers

I’m already half way there

Nerissa Talique
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Soroush Karimi on Unsplash

So with the influx of “How to get 100 followers.” articles I have been seeing on Medium for the past couple of weeks or so, I have decided to put a break on my constant indecision and resolve to have a serious go at being a committed writer on this platform. I am quite tired of reading other peoples stories of how they have made thousands of reads on their articles and scroll passing peoples monthly earning charts and seeing their steady rise to success.

I am rather quite envious to say the least and I have been trying to stir up the motivation to actually to something for almost a year now but with a crippling case of imposter syndrome, I tend to second guess myself a lot. However as I look back on what I’ve done on my own for the past couple of months. From moving away from every thing I’ve known and loved to study in a foreign country to moving out on my own in said country all within 9 months, it safe to say in my opinion that this should be a lesser beast to tackle that what I’m making it to be so here goes nothing.

The Plan Of Attack

30 days, 30 pieces of work, my aim is to put out thirty bodies of work over the next month. Whether it be shortform, poetry and or an essay on anything that strikes my fancy i.e. self development, self reflection…



Nerissa Talique
Writers’ Blokke

A young woman with a wide ranging love for all things literature and nature so much so I dream of being both a Biologist and a Novelist.