A Refreshing Break from the Norm in Fantasy Fiction

Fantasy This or That Challenge

Sieran Lane
The Fiction Writer’s Den


A gorgeous, pearly-white unicorn, leaping through a glacier, with radiant light bathing the whole scene.
AI image generated by author via Nightcafe

Do you love the idea of smashing stereotypes and rebelling against tropes in your writing?

I’ve written a lot about how we can defy tropes, but I’ve also questioned whether conventions are always bad. Plus, it’s impossible, even undesirable, to keep your stories trope-free.

Related to this, Jacinta Palmer invited us to the Fantasy This or That challenge. We get a list of questions, and have to decide between two traditional fantasy tropes for each question.

You’ll see from her list just how unavoidable tropes are, but we can use them to write compelling stories regardless. Tropes are fun to play with. Here come the questions!

1. Dystopian or Enchanted

Friends know me for writing wholesome, even sweet and innocent stories. So I’ll choose enchanted, right?

Wrong! I’ll choose dystopian, just to be contrary. My cheekiness aside, you can actually write a sweet and innocent plot within a dystopian tale, believe it or not.

In fact, I wrote about a cute Pomeranian slipping into a time travel portal — by accident, and entering a post-apocalyptic world! He meets a handsome hellhound, and yes, this is a lighthearted gay…



Sieran Lane
The Fiction Writer’s Den

A queer trans writer and therapist. I help fiction writers complete their novels. Let's connect! https://the-transgender-therapist.ck.page/fiction-writing