Go to Writing For Profit
Writing For Profit
This publication is aimed at helping writers improve their skills and earn money while writing about subjects they are passionate about.
Note from the editor

This publication is aimed at helping writers improve their skills and earn money while writing about subjects they are passionate about.

Go to the profile of Ben Le Fort
Ben Le Fort
I write about behavioral finance & evidence based investing. Want to work with me? e: info@benlefort.com Here's my Substack: https://benlefort.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Ben Le Fort
Ben Le Fort
I write about behavioral finance & evidence based investing. Want to work with me? e: info@benlefort.com Here's my Substack: https://benlefort.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Sam Westreich, PhD
Sam Westreich, PhD
PhD in genetics, bioinformatician, scientist at a Silicon Valley startup. Microbiome is the secret of biology that we’ve overlooked.
Go to the profile of Shruthi Vidhya Sundaram
Shruthi Vidhya Sundaram
I guide ambitious-as-f*ck coaches, healers & mystics to push past their fears, fulfil their soul purpose and transform it into a successful, aligned business
Go to the profile of José Lourenço
José Lourenço
Engineering, Finances and the Stock market | Basketball Fan and Book Lover