Archive of stories published by XCBlog

Core Data with Swift 4 for Beginners

Core Data is one of the most popular frameworks provided by Apple for iOS and macOS apps. Core…

Painless JSON Parsing with Swift Codable

Recently, JSON has become most widely used format to transfer data all over the internet…

Apple Swift Package Manager : A Deep Dive

Apple has released it’s own package manager called ‘Swift Package Manager‘ to share and distribute Swift packages. It’s good to know that Apple is working on replacement of the current loved and hated package managers in the iOS development world those are…

Pros and Cons of using Xcode Server for iOS Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration a.k.a. CI is an integral part of iOS development process which gives early feedback when something breaks during application development. In an agile application development, producing working…

These were the top 10 stories published by XCBlog; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2017, 2018, and 2019.

P.S: All the posts from this publication are published before author Shashikant Jagtap joined Apple. Thank you so much for being a reader of XCBlog. Tech Blog about DevOps, CI/CD for  Platforms. Xcode Server, XCTest, SwiftPM, Server Side Swift, XCUITest etc.
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