A Step-By-Step Guide To Issue Your Own Token On XinFin Network In A Few Minutes

XinFin XDC Hybrid Blockchain Network
Published in
4 min readJun 12, 2019

Gone are the days when issuing your own token on a network would cost a fortune. Mycontract is a revolutionary platform that allows users to issue their tokens on XinFin network in as little as 20 minutes.

Before users explore further, it’s recommended to read the below-given disclaimer.

*As XinFin global community knows, XinFin platform is fully compatible with Ethereum Virtual Machine. Therefore, XinFin will be using ERC20 smart contract template on mycontract platform to issue new tokens on the XinFin network.

Let’s see how to deploy a new token on XinFin network using MyContract:

  1. Visit mycontract website to deploy the new token contract on XinFin network.

2. Login into MyContract platform. New users can sign up either by email or by using Facebook, Google or Github.

3. The user needs to visit his profile and buy the package as per his requirement. Alternatively, the user can also send 1200000 XDCE tokens to his mycontract address to deploy the contract on XinFin network.

4. The user can check the number of the packages he has bought on his mycontract dashboard to deploy the token contract on XinFin network.

5. After purchasing the package, the user is required to create the tokenization ERC-20 contract. Just type in the right token details and click ‘create’ to get your contract code in a few seconds.

6. As soon as the contract code is generated, the user needs to automatically deploy the generated contract on the XinFin network.

7. The user will get three network options. Select XinFin network to deploy the token contract.

8. Now, the user can view the contract deployed on XinFin network.

9. The user will get a transaction hash using which user can check if his contract is deployed properly on XinFin network. Link: https://xinfin.network/#explorer (goto menu ”Contract” then ”Verify Contract” )

10. After the user has successfully deployed the contract, he will receive a success email in his inbox that his smart contract is deployed and a new token is generated. The user will also receive the code of his ERC20 token via email.

Tools to Access Newly Created token:
XinFin Provide facility to Add your token with Mobile Wallet https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xdcwallet

Install App, Save Private key at Safe place (the only way to recover your token if you lost mobile or uninstall the app).

goto Menu and Select option “add new token” and add your token.

Web wallet (client-side interface for generating wallet) Also Available at https://xinfin.network/#webWallet

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Join us at our Telegram Development Community.


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We always love to hear from our community members. Feel free to drop us a line or share feedback at any of our community channels.

About XinFin:

XinFin is an open source enterprise-ready Hybrid Blockchain for Global Trade and Finance. It combines the power of Public and Private Blockchains with interoperable smart contracts and is fully EVM compatible. For more information on XinFin, please visit XinFin.org or learn more about XinFin in this video.

Useful link for XinFin Masternode

Steps to Setup Masternode on XinFin MainNet

XinFin Mobile Wallet

XinFin Web Wallet

Steps to resign master node

Step by step guide to issue your own token on XinFin network

Step by step guide to swap token on XinFin network

Guide to setup node with one click installer

Watch the video to Setup XinFin Masternode with One-Click installer

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