Deploy smart contract on XinFin Testnet through XinFin Remix and XinPay.

Step by step guide to deploy the smart contract on XinFin Testnet (Apothem) through XinFin Remix and XinPay.

XinFin XDC Hybrid Blockchain Network
3 min readSep 10, 2019


Stage 1: Setup the Environment

  • You can find the XinFin remix at After this, you need to select the environment according to your contract.
  • After selecting the environment according to your contract you need to create a new file and name it.
  • Then you just need to paste your contract in the new file which you have created and select the compiler version as per your contract.
  • And then compile your contract.

Stage 2: Add XinPay in Chrome

  • After compiling your contract, you need to deploy it.
  • You would need to download XinPay in order to further deploy your contract.
  • Afterwhich, you can simply XinPay as an extension in your Google Chrome browser.
  • For more details on how to get started with XinPay Crypto Asset, click here
  • Once you accept all the terms and conditions, enter a strong password, and remember your password as every time you would need to feed in the password in order to access XinPay.
  • After that, you will see a seed with which you can access your wallet. Make sure you take a proper backup of your Keystore as XinFin network is decentralized.
  • Post this, you would need to select the XinFin Apothem network where you can get the test token from Faucet.

Stage 3: Deploy the contract

  • After getting the test token on XinPay, you can deploy the token from XinFin Remix and submit the required transaction.
  • If the user wishes to deploy a smart contract on XinFin mainnet user will just require to change the network on XinPay and follow the same steps. Note: To deploy smart-contract on XinFin Mainnet users must have real tokens.
  • Post the deployment of the contract you can check the tx hash on the XinPay. This means you have deployed your contract successfully and you can check it on XinFin Scan.

Stage 4: Interact with contract

You can also interact with your smart contract on the XinFin remix.

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About XinFin

XinFin is an open-source enterprise-ready Hybrid Blockchain for Global Trade and Finance.

XinFin network capabilities allow all types of enterprises to connect their legacy systems with a Blockchain Network via XDC Protocol and messaging compatible with ISO20022 standard. It combines the power of Public and Private Blockchains with interoperable smart contracts. XinFin is fully EVM compatible. For more information on XinFin, please visit or learn more about XinFin in this video.

Useful link for XinFin Masternode

Steps to Setup Masternode on XinFin MainNet

XinFin Mobile Wallet

XinFin Web Wallet

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Step by step guide to issue your own token on XinFin network

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Guide to setup node with one click installer

Watch the video to Setup XinFin Masternode with One-Click installer

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