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data, visual, interactive storytelling
Some notes on my collaboration with The Washington Post on the gender pay gap
Some notes on my collaboration with The Washington Post on the gender pay gap
I had been researching gender pay gap for a few months, so when Kat and Chiqui told me they wanted to collaborate, I had the pitch ready.
Xaquín González Veira
Oct 31, 2017
I like data-driven storytelling (I like loaded words)
I like data-driven storytelling (I like loaded words)
Alberto Cairo said he doesn’t like storytelling, so it got me thinking why I do.
Xaquín González Veira
Sep 13, 2017
Look (what you made me do): I illustrated 10 of my professional sins
Look (what you made me do): I illustrated 10 of my professional sins
The #distractedBoyfriend meme was such a low hanging fruit. I wasn’t expecting the 3.5K likes. I can’t handle the fame.
Xaquín González Veira
Sep 1, 2017
Some notes on a collaboration with a Google News Lab: ‘How to fix a toilet and other things’
Some notes on a collaboration with a Google News Lab: ‘How to fix a toilet and other things’
Everything started with the little dude.
Xaquín González Veira
Sep 1, 2017
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